Home » The son of influencer Jorge Anibal Cassis dies

The son of influencer Jorge Anibal Cassis dies

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The son of influencer Jorge Anibal Cassis dies

Jorge Eduardo Cassis, son of the renowned influencer Jorge Anibal Cassis, passed away this Thursday, August 3, 2023.

This was announced by the content creator in his accounts social networks.

Cassis shared an extensive message dedicated to his son in which he points out that part of his soul has been torn from him.

“I no longer have a heart, I no longer feel anything (…) if it were possible, I would even stop breathing at this moment,” Aníbal wrote.

It was unofficially known that the young man would have lost his life in a traffic accident.

On July 28, Jorge Eduardo had completed 18 yearswhich is why his father shared a video collecting images from when the minor was a child.

“I don’t know how badly I did the truth, I don’t know to whom I owe so much, that my feelings have charged me in interest, that love has charged me in life, that pain has charged me, that even thanks has charged me, and today it has left me without even the desire to continue ”, he adds in the text.

Jorge Aníbal added that he will honor his son’s memory. “I swear to you that I will fulfill your dreams, I swear to you,” he said.

Jorge Aníbal Cassis is a well-known character on social networks where he shares different types of content, mainly gastronomic.

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