Home » The United States and the Philippines completed two weeks of joint military training in the face of China’s hostilities

The United States and the Philippines completed two weeks of joint military training in the face of China’s hostilities

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The United States and the Philippines completed two weeks of joint military training in the face of China’s hostilities

The Philippines and the United States have concluded their joint military exercises after more than two weeks of training in a display of military power in the face of growing tensions with China. The exercises, which involved 11,000 American troops and 5,000 Filipino soldiers, included large-scale battle simulations and the participation of France for the first time.

One of the highlights of the exercises was the simulation of a mission to retake an island from enemy hands, which took place on the island of Ibayat, the northernmost of the Philippine archipelago. The joint forces also conducted an exercise that involved the sinking of a Chinese-made ship near Laoag, showcasing their capabilities in a realistic scenario.

Admiral Toribio Adaci of the Philippine navy clarified that the choice of a Chinese-made ship for the exercise was not meant to provoke any specific country, emphasizing that the ship had been used by the Philippines for a long time.

The joint maneuvers come at a time when China has been escalating its presence in the South China Sea, claiming almost the entire territory despite international rulings against such claims. The Chinese foreign ministry has warned against military exercises that could harm the interests of third parties.

Tensions between the Philippines and China have also been exacerbated by recent clashes around the disputed Scarborough Shoal. Meanwhile, tensions between Beijing and Taipei have also been on the rise.

Philippine Foreign Secretary Enrique Manalo emphasized the importance of military exercises as a form of deterrence in the region. The joint exercises serve as a reminder of the allied forces’ readiness to defend against any potential threats.

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The successful conclusion of the joint military exercises demonstrates the strong partnership between the Philippines and the United States in maintaining peace and stability in the region.

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