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The value of the moment – ​​breaking latest news

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The value of the moment – ​​breaking latest news

“Many times, you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes just a memory. Let’s not lose this opportunity, called a moment, because this will not be repeated and it is not eternal either.

At present, the person does not stop projecting themselves into what they have to deal with, what they must plan or solve… Most of the time we are installed in a “doing mode” that we have automated and that on many occasions causes us to lose contact with the “now” or that we travel through it. We get up, quickly we are on our way, on our way to work at full speed, we rush to do the shopping, the food and the housework, we run again to exercise or to have a fleeting coffee with our best friend, and Finally, bath time arrives, to cross a couple of words with our partners, children… until we fall into bed and start the same process again the next day. The bad habit that people have of thinking that the current moment is going to last forever is curious. The truth is that far from being like that, it tends to happen until it’s gone and there’s no remedy. This happens to us continuously and we only tend to value what we lost… and many times, not even that. Becoming good at something is an activity that takes time. The important thing is to identify what we are getting good at. If we dedicate our day to watching television or series, we will probably become very good at it. On the other hand, if we use the time to learn or enhance a skill, be physically active, or create something new, it won’t be long before we begin to see our life from a different perspective. Investing the time in cultivating good habits will result in a better version of ourselves. Some things will materialize in the short term, others depending on the level of importance they have for us and the degree of complexity will require patience and perseverance to achieve them over time. The environment in which we move and the people with whom we live can play for or against, they can be a motor of inspiration or an anchor that prevents us from moving forward. ‍The influence of the people closest to you is invisible and silent, it accumulates over time, but its effects end up being very visible. Each friend or acquaintance leaves behind, a trace, a major or minor influence. In fact, we end up looking a lot like the people we deal with the most. ‍Sometimes we keep the friendship of some people because in the past we were friends and we feel in the duty to continue being so. But people change over the years, and it’s only natural that friendships change too, without moral obligations or self-imposed friendship debts. Delving into the search for growth and personal improvement often entails some changes in the environment and the people we deal with, it is not about discarding old friendships, but about making space for different friendships, which are in tune with our dreams and values. . Although we know that the time that passes does not return, the decisions we make do not have to be final, we are alive to learn, and we always have the ability to decide when to change direction, without this implying that everything has been done. in the past it has been a waste of time. Just because we have decided to study a career does not mean that we have the obligation to do the same forever. Or if we are in a relationship that no longer makes us happy, we have to spend the rest of our lives with that person just because we have invested a lot of time in it. Today we wait for something to happen, and the only thing that happens is time and the development of our lives. We don’t understand the value of moments, until they become a memory, so do what you want to do before it becomes what you wish you had done. Do not make a draft of your life, you may not have time to clean it up. Stop being overwhelmed by the future, by what will come and start enjoying the now, no matter what they say, your life is only yours, so live it because no one else will do it for you and, above all: “Free yourself from toxic people , and surround yourself with people who contribute to your well-being.”

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