Home » The writer Lilin is a candidate for the municipal of Milan in the Europa Verde list of Sala. But there are those on the left who don’t like it

The writer Lilin is a candidate for the municipal of Milan in the Europa Verde list of Sala. But there are those on the left who don’t like it

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The writer Nicolai Lilin, author of “Siberian Education”, is a candidate in the municipal elections in Milan on the Europa Verde list that supports the outgoing mayor Giuseppe Sala. He announced it himself during a live web green talk with MEP Eleonora Evi. “I am extremely satisfied and happy that Nicolai has decided to become part of our big family”, said the European Parliamentarian of Green Europe, who added: “We need the charisma and passion of a person like him, who has has always shared our battles and has now chosen to fight them on the front line right here in Milan, a city that must lead the ecological transition in Italy and in Europe ».

Even the “green” Angelo Bonelli is happy with Lilin’s choice: «We are proud of the interest our political project is arousing in the world of culture. The presence, among our ranks, of an author of international standing like Lilin – added Angelo Bonelli – strengthens our work to make the green wave grow also in Italy. The extreme weather events that have occurred in Germany and Belgium in recent days should no longer leave any doubt, the climate crisis requires us to act courageously and quickly ».

Instead, controversy over the choice of the Russian-born writer comes from the left. «Nicolai Lilin candidate on the Europa Verde lists in Milan leaves us disconcerted. From Green Europe to Green Eurasia is a moment », comments Gabriele Mariani, candidate for mayor for Milan in the Municipality and Civica AmbientaLista. “Perhaps – suggests Mariani – someone should warn Mayor Sala and Europa Verde that their candidate up until a few months ago was participating in initiatives by neo-fascist groups such as Lealtà Action and CasaPound and has a slightly different idea of ​​what Europe is “.

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