Home » There were some fields here Independent Urdu

There were some fields here Independent Urdu

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There were some fields here  Independent Urdu

If you go straight from Michi Mor, the police station building will come in front. This building made of mud was a sign of the British era.

Coming in front of his terrible gate, the queen mare would gallop and gallop to the right, pulling the reins with all her might.

There were potholes and bumps on the thin road. The Tanga wheel used to go to the bridge.

A little before the bridge there was a pit in which the Chamar cows used to throw the carcasses of buffaloes after skinning them. The carrion-eaters used to descend beyond the animal world to eat these corpses.

From here too Rani used to turn towards Kunutian’s Bigtat bridge and after passing through the bridge of Rajbah, her movement became the most consistent.

Walking thump thumk, she wanted to show us the fields rising up in the deep green fields spread around.

There was an endless chain of fields with single ridges and man was living there in complete harmony with nature.

Canal water flowed in the canals and still the local people considered the agricultural land as a land borrowed from the forest.

This was a time when the virus of creating ‘colonies’ on agricultural land had not yet become so common.

But the disease is actually in the genetic makeup of the human being, the disease only sees opportunity. Even at that time, some people were very tempted to see the land located very close to the bridge.

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This is a 30, 40 year old story. It has probably been a hundred years since the Kot Lakhpat stockpile was cut and the housing colony of Model Town was established. A hundred years is a long time for any virus to incubate.

The doom of housing colonies on Punjab’s most fertile land had already begun to descend during the reign of its colonial masters.

I also remember that the first population in the area which replaced the fields in the eighties was called ‘Nai Abadi’. So sir! It is not just a coincidence that the names are kept like this.

The disease increased and in the name of development, unsettled cities were settled, a strange hunger surrounded the people.

Landlords started pricing their fertile land based on their location, and buyers left their neighborhood streets for ‘farmhouses’.

We were living in a post-colonial world where the children knew by heart that there were past kings and nawabs in our area, Iyash and Tamashban and before the British, the dust was returned here and except for those people who built their palaces and tombs. didn’t do anything

Now what was the settlement plan of the British was the best plan and those who questioned it were considered ignorant.

So one after the other the forests were cut down, the fields became desolate, the gardens disappeared and only ‘colonies’ remained and behind them the fields whose owners are waiting for the buyers with beating hearts. Buy and settle a colony on it?

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Yesterday, after how many years, when I turned from the police station and passed the canal bridge, it seemed that all the vultures, hovering over the carcasses of the animals lying in the pit, had landed on the fields.

Small, unplanned ‘colonies’ of a few canals were cut here and there, with waste flowing into the fields.

Banners were fluttering in the fields where crops had just been planted and court orders were also displayed on many fields.

Motorcycles were flying on the road, people sitting on them were looking at the fields full of children with jealous eyes.

The decay of the fearlessness of human destiny was unbearable and the cage of the earth was visible in the distance covered with housing colonies.

This section contains related reference points (Related Nodes field).

Who gives them NOC? Who approves these colonies? Who plans them and who is behind their alleged investors?

This question is asked by stupid and weak minded people like me. What the Cheyenne do is that as soon as someone offers a few lakhs to build a colony on their land, they sell it, put the money in their pockets, and get away with it.

Zamin maa hoti hai etc., these are just dialogues that sound good in movies.

Seeing this unruffled row of houses reminded me of the fields, through which brown mice and sparrows used to walk on the paths and flocks of jackals came down at night.

The giants disappeared, mice and birds will fight this battle of evolution, but isn’t man sowing losses in these fields by doing all this?

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Note: This article is based on the personal opinion of the columnist, Independent Urdu does not necessarily agree with it.

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