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They ask that the Diamond be the venue for the Youth Nationals

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They ask that the Diamond be the venue for the Youth Nationals

Julián Andrés Santa

“In the league we continue to manage, that we do not go down in history without having done it, that is the most important thing,” are the words expressed by Denis Darío Correa, executive director of the Risaraldense Baseball League who does not stay still and continues doing everything possible for Pereira to host the competitions of their beloved sport in the National Youth Games that will be held starting November 9.

“We are in Cartagena presenting before the presidents of the professional clubs of the other leagues in the country and before the board of directors of the Colombian federation and we ask the mayor of Pereira, the governor of Risaralda and the Ministry of Sports that they are not going to take the headquarters for another city as happened with the conventional National Games.”

They will ask for the headquarters in Diamante

“Unanimously of four groups of presidents of professional clubs and 14 leagues, plus the administrative body, we are going to ask the Ministry, the mayor’s office and the governor’s office that baseball be held in Pereira now in the National Youth Games in order to achieve no repair the Diamante stadium in Pereira with a large sum of 20 or 10,000 million, but adapt it so that this championship can be played in our city.”

What adjustments does the scenario need?

“A cage that protects the balls from going to the parking lots; a space where the players and coaches sit, some adaptations are needed for the press and for the federation delegates and a mound because that is required at that age just as they have it in the Cali stadium. Lighting is not required, which is what is most difficult and the will of the federation is there, now it is to make the Ministry and the mayor see reason, because at the end of the day the one who makes the decision is the mayor of Pereira with the committee of works of the Ministry of Sports.”

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“Between now and June it must be decided that we do have baseball in Pereira to make the adjustments between July, August and September. Now we have to tell the Ministry with a copy to the governor and the mayor, and the federation and the other professional leagues and clubs are notified here in the assembly, so now we have to write the letter and wait for answers to see what the Games Commission tells us that It should also be installed within approximately 15, 20 days.”

They hope this one is the charm

“Yesterday in my presentation before the members of the Federation and before the executive committee, that was one of the arguments to convince them to support me by asking for the headquarters for Pereira, since we could not have it in the conventional games, so what “Do now in the Youth Games that there is not so much demand because they are, after all, young people between 15 and 18 years old, this is more of an amateur level,” points out Denis Darío Correa, delegate of the Risaralda baseball league.


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