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They changed the shelf

by admin
They changed the shelf

The vertiginousness with which President Petro resolved, in less than 20 hours, the crisis that precipitated in his cabinet the night before indicates very clearly that everything was coldly calculated and that he was only waiting for a pretext to do so.

The exclusion within the Development Plan of some extraordinary powers to the president and the tight result of the vote in the Commission of the alleged health reform, should have made Petro see that the time had come to make the change of the shelf with furniture old and used that since July 20 of last year Roy Barreras had assembled for him.

That such government coalition, set up as former President Gaviria said without at least being consulted for appointments, then ceased to exist since yesterday. When the president accepts the resignation of a group of ministers, naming his replacement, it produces compelling legal and national perception effects.

Since yesterday the cabinet is absolutely petrista and although they have changed the capricious minister Corcho for the reasonable Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo and the samperistas Ocampo and López, it is evident that the power of Hildebrando’s guru over the president and his government is consolidating since they do not touch the fanatic Irene Vélez, his daughter, nor the Minister of Education, university bishops of that sectarian thought that has taken over the Petrista feat.

The appointment of Luis Fernando Chuspas in the Interior gives air to communication with Congress and a friendly and very televised face to the presidential spokesman while justice is done with whom from the first change was able to break with César Gaviria and discipline liberal and had been rewarded with an unknown counseling. It is a new bookshelf. Hopefully it’s not just a new set.

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