Home » They hid coca base paste in the fuel tank

They hid coca base paste in the fuel tank

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They hid coca base paste in the fuel tank

Soldiers from the Ninth Brigade managed to capture five people and seize 13.32 kilos of coca paste in an operation in southern Huila.

During a meticulous inspection of a truck that was traveling from the department of Putumayo, modifications were discovered in the fuel tank, in which plastic bottles with the illicit substance were found.

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“The search of the truck-type vehicle, which apparently came from the department of Putumayo, was registered in the village of El Cedro in the municipality of Pitalito. During the meticulous inspection, the soldiers detected modifications in the fuel tank, finding that 15 plastic bottles with the narcotic had been packed in it,” the Army reported.

The seized narcotic would have a value on the black market of approximately 46 million pesos and could generate 33,000 doses. This operation is a significant blow to drug trafficking, contributing to offset the impact on public health and safety, as well as the financing of illegal structures.

With the support of the Technical Investigation Corps (CTI), the judicial process for the crime of trafficking, manufacturing and possession of narcotics was advanced. The three women, the two men, the vehicle and the narcotic were turned over to the competent authority.

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