Home » They rescue a minor who was recruited in Cauca

They rescue a minor who was recruited in Cauca

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They rescue a minor who was recruited in Cauca

In an aerial extraction operation, the Army rescued a minor who had been kidnapped by the dissidents of the Farc in the south of Cauca.

Lieutenant Colonel Mauricio Medina, commander of the Air Maneuver Battalion number 3 of Cauca, explained that in a quick reaction, rescue was achieved of the minor in the municipality of Argelia.

Martínez indicated that “we made a great effort to seize this indigenous minor from the armed groups, restoring peace and hope to his parents They didn’t know his whereabouts.”

The officer explained that the minor under 17 years of age was reunited with his parents initially and then he was taken to the Colombian Family Welfare Institute, in Popayán, to have his rights restored.

The maneuver

According to the authorities, “the minor was unlawfully detained in one of the commissions of this armed group. The recovery occurred after an aerial extraction maneuver was carried out by the 3rd Air Mobility and Maneuver Battalion.

The Army added that “in recent days, three more minors have been recovered, after forcibly integrating illegal structures; one of them was carrying war material such as ammunition and weapons.”

The authorities reiterated their commitment to continue combating forced recruitment and guarantee the tranquility of the people of Cauca.


On the other hand, the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca Cric said that the municipalities hardest hit by the scourge of forced recruitment in the department are Santander de Quilichao, Caldono and Caloto.


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