Home » They rule out that a dog in Huila is Wilson

They rule out that a dog in Huila is Wilson

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They rule out that a dog in Huila is Wilson

While the authorities announced that the search for the rescue dog Wilson, lost in the jungles of Guaviare, could be suspended, the Army denied that a stray dog ​​that was found wandering the streets of Huila is the wanted canine hero.

As will be remembered, Wilson got lost during the search for the minors who were rescued in the jungles of the eastern part of the country.

Colombia experienced dramatic moments while the minors were being searched with hope, and now attention has focused on the lost canine, a Belgian Shepherd Malinois trained to collaborate in the toughest search and rescue missions carried out by the authorities.

After three weeks of searching, the Military Forces reported this week that they would stop looking for him because it is now “unlikely to find him.”

The search involved 30 uniformed officers, including the professional soldier who was in charge of Wilson.

Wilso is considered the four-legged hero of “Operation Hope” who helped rescue children in the jungle, and for that his mother named Drugia was decorated.

This week there was a furor in Neiva where some people recorded a stray dog ​​they thought was Wilson.

However, after seeing the images that circulated on social networks, the Army denied that it was the dog.

After these images became known, the authorities began an investigation process to verify if it was Wilson, but finally ruled out that it was the four-legged hero.

The specialists reported that a frame-by-frame verification of the animal’s video was made, until they ruled out that it was the wanted canine.

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They also ruled out that it was Wilson, since the distance between the jungles of Guaviare and Huila is more than 600 kilometers, “which, due to his physical condition, he certainly would not have been able to cover.”

“Wilson is a command of ours, we have done everything in our power, we have spared no effort to find him, but we are aware that it is almost unlikely that we will be able to find him,” said General Pedro Sánchez, who led “Operation Hope ”.

On the other hand, the indigenous people of Guaviare who participated in the search for the minors affirmed that “Wilson was left as an offering to the spirits that take care of the jungle.”


The search for the rescue dog Wilson in the jungles of Guaviare would be coming to an end, according to the Army, which reported that it is increasingly “improbable” to find it.

As will be remembered, Wilson helped search for the four minors who managed to save themselves from the plane crash in the jungles of this department.

As reported by General Pedro Sánchez, commander of the rescue operation of the Mucutuy brothers, the rescue of the canine “is unlikely” after a search of several weeks.

Without a trace

The Army reported that 30 days have passed since Wilson disappeared in the Guaviare jungle and nothing has been heard from him for fifteen days, since all traces and footprints have been lost, so the chances of finding him are less and less.

As will be recalled, the government hopes to build a monument to this four-legged hero, while yesterday in a special ceremony decorated Drugia, the puppy’s mother, in honor of this canine for faith in the cause and distinguished services.

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The official’s announcement was made within the framework of a ceremony in which the 66 soldiers who represent the 300 uniformed soldiers who were part of Operation Hope were also awarded, where the four Mucutuy brothers were rescued in the Guaviare jungle.

General Sánchez indicated that “Wilson is our command, but he is also a canine, he is a dog, he is not a human being and he is also a threat because of the animals that are in the jungle such as tigers, jaguars, poisonous snakes, and he only responds to the canine handler. That is, if he sees a different person, he runs away ”.


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