Home » They transfer to the Judicial and ‘La Tramacúa’ to 25 heads of patios of the Permanente

They transfer to the Judicial and ‘La Tramacúa’ to 25 heads of patios of the Permanente

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They transfer to the Judicial and ‘La Tramacúa’ to 25 heads of patios of the Permanente

Felipe Mugas, Secretary of the Municipal Government, reported that 25 ringleaders or yard bosses of the Central Permanent, will be transferred to the Judicial Prison and ‘La Tramacúa’ in the next few hours, while the rest of the inmates will be returned to that center confinement, after making some adaptations and guaranteeing respect for their rights.

Repairs are being made to the walls damaged by the inmates during the riot last Sunday and the Risk Management Office issued a report on the damages caused to houses near the detention center, which will be assumed by the Municipal Administration.

José Hernández, Ombudsman in Cesar, reiterated that there was an attempted escape of the deprived of their liberty in the Central Permanente, hence the riot registered last Sunday. “It was found that there were no injuries in the procedure, there are some inmates sick and attacked by other colleagues as a result of the disputes and fights between them.”


The Attorney General’s Office recently opened an investigation against the mayor of the capital of Cesar, Mello Castro González, after evidencing a 930% overcrowding in the La Permanente Police Station, where 558 PPL were found despite the fact that the facilities only have space for 60 people.

In addition, they do not have an adequate place to receive visitors and the agents must lend their cell phones and data plans so that the detainees can connect to their court hearings.

Among other tests, the control body asked the local leaders to list the measures adopted since they took office, if work groups have been held to address this problem, as well as to indicate the commitments acquired and the degree of compliance.

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With the opening of the investigations, the Attorney General’s Office seeks to establish whether the legal obligations of these territorial entities have been complied with during the constitutional period of the aforementioned leaders, specifically those of creating, directing, organizing, administering, sustaining, and monitoring prisons. or preventive detention centers, through the allocation of resources, among others.

The Valledupar Ombudsman, headed by Silvio Cuello, filed a guardianship action to expedite the transfer of those deprived of their liberty at the Police Central Permanente whose rights, according to the complaint, have been violated due to the overcrowding they suffer.

The Sixth Administrative Oral Court of Valledupar ruled, in first instance, in favor of the Municipal Ombudsman of Valledupar, the Guardianship Action presented by the representative of the Public Ministry and the National Directorate of the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute, INPEC, is ordered to In the month of August of the year 2022, within a term of fifteen (15) days, he had to act administratively on the transfer of persons deprived of their liberty in the Permanent Central Police Station to a prison that is not overcrowded.

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