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This is the final conformation of the Casanare Assembly – news

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This is the final conformation of the Casanare Assembly – news

The Delegation of the National Government at the Peace Dialogue Table with the ELN expressed its satisfaction with the release of Mr. Luis Manuel Díaz, the father of the Colombian soccer player Luis Díaz, and demanded that the ELN eliminate the kidnapping and immediately release all people in captivity in the country.

The Delegation, in a statement released to the public minutes after the release of Mr. Díaz in La Guajira, after 12 days of captivity, ratified its insistence on the elimination of the practice of kidnapping by that illegal armed group.

“The time has come to make decisions that eliminate kidnapping, as we have requested since the beginning of the dialogues. Our delegation demands from now on, and will demand in the next meeting with the ELN delegation, that each of the people that this organization has in captivity be released in conditions of safety and dignity immediately,’ says an aside from the statement of 5 points.

The Delegation also rejects that the kidnapping is justified by the ELN as a financing method.

“The ELN has justified this method by arguing that it is part of its financing. It is unsustainable to argue, from an ethical point of view, that trading with human beings is legal, even under the conditions of an armed conflict,’ the document says.

And he adds that they consider that any discussion on financing mechanisms for this armed organization can only be done once the terms of its political incorporation process in the scenario of the end of the conflict are clarified, an issue that must also be addressed at the next meeting. .

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It also indicates that “the systematic practice of kidnapping is an enemy of peace, it generates hatred that is difficult to overcome against its perpetrators, it is a continuous crime – since it extends beyond the act of retention itself – it generates permanent anguish for the kidnapped and his loved ones and a total rejection by the national and international community.’

The Delegation expresses its gratitude “to the military and police authorities, to the UN Verification Mission in Colombia and to the Episcopal Conference for having facilitated and supported the release process” of Luis Manuel Díaz.

The statement to the public appears to have been signed by José Otty Patiño Hormaza, head of Delegation; Senators Ivan Cepeda Castro and Maria Jose Pizarro Rodriguez; the delegates from the Government Bureau, Jose Felix Lafaurie Rivera, Orlando Romero Reyes, Adelaide Jimenez Cortes, Olga Lilia Silva Lopez, Rodrigo Botero Garcia, Horacio Guerrero Garcia and Rosmery Quintero Castro.

Source: Presidency of the Republic

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