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Tim, off to the new Enterprise. Schiavo: “We want to consolidate the leadership”

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Tim, off to the new Enterprise.  Schiavo: “We want to consolidate the leadership”

Fully exploit all assets related to connectivity, cloud, IoT and cybersecurity: this is the goal of Tim Enterprise’s new organization the business unit led by Elio Schiavo – Chief Enterprise & Innovative Solutions Officer of the Group – dedicated to public administration and large customers. Reorganization in line with the process of unbundling announced last July which involves the creation of NetCo e ServCo (owned by Tim Enterprise).

Tim Enterprise includes all commercial activities in the Enterprise market, the digital companies Noovle, Olivetti and Telsy. And it includes data center assets.

The largest ICT platform in Italy

We are the largest ICT platform in Italy and we want to consolidate our leadership in all the market sectors in which we operate – he comments Elio Schiavo-. Keeping all our people around a single project will allow us to seize enormous opportunities and become protagonists in the process of digitalisation of the country system”.

Trends and future prospects in the log management market

The new Tim Enterprise

Tim Enterprise’s new structure leverages a more agile and integrated operating model che maximizes the benefits deriving from the organization. Expected important synergies“essential to make the business unit even faster and more efficient in the design and sale of ICT and professional services”, explains Tim in a note in which he recalls that Tim Enterprise boasts a team of over 5,000 people, the most widespread sales network in the country and 16 data centers built according to the highest standards of safety, efficiency and sustainability. “It will accompany the digital transformation of the Italian entrepreneurial system and of the public administration, through a unique and distinctive end-to-end offer”.

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Annual revenue growth of 6% per year is expected

During 2022 Tim Enterprise recorded a growth higher than that of the market. The increase in total and service revenues was 8% and 11% over the prior year. Performance was driven by cloud, security and IoT services. THEThe Group’s 2023-2025 business plan forecasts upward growth for Tim Enterprise with a Cagr of 6% in the flat horizon.


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