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To the Security and Intelligence Service » Yemenat News website

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To the Security and Intelligence Service » Yemenat News website


Ahmed Saif Hashid

What right do you have to imprison a citizen for six months or more without evidence, charge, or referral to the prosecution?

Where do you derive this right from, with which the rights of Yemeni citizens are being wasted, and in fact you continue with this waste and arbitrariness, boldly, and without accountability or oversight?

You disavow the “alpha-ba” of the constitution and the law, and even violate the rights of Yemeni citizens far and wide to the point of absurdity and shamelessness.

You do not have any right or legitimacy other than the legitimacy of domination and oppression. Rather, you are not looking for any other legitimacy whose basis is consent or the social contract, or even revolutionary legitimacy with which you have no connection, as long as you are in a system of power burdened with horrific corruption.

You are the one who searches for the source who leaked the information or the document, protects the corrupt, blocks the path to justice, prevents access to it, and prevents the exposure of corruption and its documents. Rather, you turn the person who exposes corruption into an accused under any title or charge, and the journalist Khalil Al-Omari is a close example, and his likes are innumerable. A number… while the perpetrators of corruption rise and gain power, and their strength and influence in power grows stronger every day.

The cases of violations are countless. How many violators and violations have been referred to the judiciary during nine long years and symptoms of violations..?!

You are covering up corruption if you are not protecting it. In fact, we have not heard you say anything or even a whisper on issues related to the country’s national security, including, but not limited to, the issues of Israeli banned poisons and pesticides whose toxicity extends to humans, land, water, the environment and the future. Then we find you pursuing and imprisoning a citizen on… An opinion or publication, and even criminalizes those who demand their salary and rights in a stressful moment, or even after years of patience and living through hell..!

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If you do this today; So what if your empowerment has reached its limit… What right do you have in your cells to impose months on the freedom of innocent people, and to arrest people merely on suspicion or not?!!

You are marked by abject failure when you arrest a citizen without a crime or evidence, then you go looking for suspicion or evidence, and the citizen languishes for months and years without charge until you forget about him, and after four years you refer him to the prosecution and the prosecution issues no basis for filing a lawsuit.. Oh this..!! People of flesh and blood, not piles of salt or bags of garbage.

And because you are not ashamed to ask those whom you abused for months and years for a guarantee, a pledge, and a recipient, to justify your failure, your arrogance, and your shameless transgression against the rights of the afflicted citizen in his life and livelihood.

There are those who you threw in your solitary confinement cells for five months or more without a shred of humanity, and then you took them out with a pledge or commitment to justify your failure and injustice, without referral, justice, or compensation.

There are those who emerged innocent from your detention centers after years of their life, life, and freedom were plundered. There are those who emerged paralyzed or paralyzed from their prison. And there are those who died a week after their release. How many bodies emerge from your detention centers every year..!! We have not heard of referring just one person who violated rights and freedoms to justice, which is wasted every day.

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By what right do you commit grave crimes against citizens, from misuse of power, to exploitation of public office, to deprivation and restriction of freedom, to crimes of kidnapping and enforced disappearance, and even crimes of torture and violation of privacy..?!

You are not trying to improve your situation, but rather you are carefully monitoring and persecuting opinion makers and leaflet writers, hoarding hidden hatred and extreme cruelty, harboring silence until the end, arresting freedoms and rights, and increasing restrictions on citizens with every empowering step you take towards tyranny and tyranny.

You have the right, but the right is greater than the one who gave free rein to carry out all these crimes and violations against our people without a constitution, law or consideration, and what is most bitter is that no one is thinking of reviewing or reconsidering what is happening in terms of the waste of the constitution, the law and citizenship, replacing them with oppression and domination and nothing else.

Freedom for the free man, Judge Abdul Wahab Qatran
Freedom by the distinguished educator Abu Zaid Al-Kumaim
Freedom for all oppressed detainees in the detention centers and prisons of the de facto authority in Sanaa.
Freedom for all those unjustly detained in the prisons and detention centers of the de facto authorities throughout Yemen.

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