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Tourist Assaulted at Knife Point in Santurce

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Tourist Assaulted at Knife Point in Santurce

Tourist Robbed at Knife-Point in Santurce

SANTURCE – In yet another alarming incident, a tourist was robbed at knife-point in the early hours of the morning today. The incident took place at the corner of Villamil street and marginal Baldorioty street, further raising concerns about the safety of tourists in Santurce.

The robbery comes on the heels of two separate attacks on tourists that occurred the previous day in Santurce and Condado. These incidents have left both the local authorities and the tourism industry worried about the growing trend of tourist-targeted crimes in the area.

According to the police, the victim, who is from North Carolina, was approached by an assailant armed with a knife. The criminal forcibly took her purse, containing cash and personal documents, before fleeing the scene. Fortunately, the victim escaped physical harm in the incident.

Agent Glory Figueroa, from the Santurce precinct, has initiated a preliminary investigation into the matter and has subsequently referred the case to the Robbery Division of the San Juan Criminal Investigation Corps (CIC). The authorities are now actively working to identify and apprehend the perpetrator.

In light of these recent incidents and the concerns they have raised, there is a growing urgency to address the safety of tourists in Santurce. The local law enforcement agencies, along with the tourism industry, are expected to take immediate measures to enhance security and prevent further instances of tourist-targeted crimes.

Tourists planning to visit Santurce are advised to exercise caution, especially when traveling alone or during late hours. It is recommended to avoid poorly lit areas and to keep personal belongings secure at all times. Additionally, staying informed and staying connected with local authorities can also help ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience for visitors.

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Authorities are urging anyone with information related to these incidents or any suspicious activity in the area to come forward and assist in the investigation. Meanwhile, efforts are being made to enhance police presence and surveillance in the affected regions to deter potential criminals.

The incident serves as a reminder that the safety and well-being of tourists should remain a top priority for both residents and authorities. Immediate action is necessary to restore confidence and prevent any further damage to the region’s tourism industry.

For more updates on this and other news, please download our Android or iPhone app to receive real-time information. Stay vigilant, and let us work together to make sure Santurce remains a safe destination for visitors from around the world.

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