Home » Two newly diagnosed local cases in Guangxi, and another 5 cases of local asymptomatic infections transferred to be diagnosed-West China Network (Shaanxi News Network)

Two newly diagnosed local cases in Guangxi, and another 5 cases of local asymptomatic infections transferred to be diagnosed-West China Network (Shaanxi News Network)

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Two newly diagnosed local cases in Guangxi, and another 5 cases of local asymptomatic infections transferred to be diagnosed-West China Network (Shaanxi News Network)

Time: 2021-12-27 08:37:32 Source: Guangxi Health Commission website

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On the same day, 1 newly imported confirmed case was added, 11 imported asymptomatic infections were converted into confirmed cases, 6 newly imported asymptomatic infections were newly imported, and 5 imported confirmed cases were cured

From 0-24 o’clock on December 26, 2 new local confirmed cases were added in our district, and another 5 local asymptomatic infections were converted to confirmed cases. There are currently 19 local confirmed cases and 1 local asymptomatic infection.

On the same day, 1 newly imported confirmed case was added, 11 imported asymptomatic infections were converted into confirmed cases, 6 newly imported asymptomatic infections were newly imported, and 5 imported confirmed cases were cured. There are currently 232 imported confirmed cases and 97 imported asymptomatic infections.

There were 6 new close contacts under medical observation that day, and 73 existing close contacts.

A total of 593 confirmed cases have been reported in the district, 340 have been cured and discharged, and 2 have died. There are now 251 confirmed cases under treatment.

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Editor: Liu Siyu

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