Home » Two thousand wool blankets on the walls of Treviso to combat violence against women

Two thousand wool blankets on the walls of Treviso to combat violence against women

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Two thousand wool blankets on the walls of Treviso to combat violence against women

The Viva Vittoria blanket envelops Treviso to fight the violence against women. From Bastione San Marco to Porta Frà Giocondo, the knitting and crochet work done by thousands of people and associations has been spread out on viale delle Mura: more than 8,000 wool squares 50x50cm made that went on to form over 2,000 blankets which, joined and placed in a row of three, covered almost 700 meters.

Now the blankets can be redeemed with donations that will be donated to the Telephone Rosa Anti-Violence Center of Treviso, which since the beginning of the year has offered assistance to 170 women victims of violence, and to the “CasaLuna” Refuge of the Municipality of Treviso which in 2022 welcomed five women and their children. The blankets will be on display throughout the day and are already being snapped up so much that the organizers, if the requests exceed the offer, are ready to get back to work to make more blankets in the Viva Vittoria Treviso headquarters in the former Sommariva pastry shop which at least until December it will host the association.

«Beyond the number of blankets, the victory was finding a meeting space for people who are different from each other but who came together to knit but above all spending time together and networking – he comments Rosa De Filippo, president of the Up association – Dreams out of the drawer and among the organizers of Viva Vittoria Treviso – We have two kilometers of colorful expanse, full of love and enthusiasm. This is also the right time for blankets and it can be an excellent gift idea for Christmas. At the former Sommariva we also met some students who asked us to take knitting courses and perhaps from December we could organize them. Furthermore, many passers-by and tourists stopped curious and often joined us with a needle and thread».

The proceeds of the initiative will be used to create a toy library in the Treviso Refuge and for training in schools promoted by Pink Telephone Anti-Violence Center: «Walking through the walls I found the concept of network that we promulgate – says Cristina Tonon, coordinator of the Violence Prevention Operative Unit of the Municipality of Treviso – Each square represents a woman and in this network everyone must act as sentinel. Thanks to Viva Vittoria because she managed to get the kids involved too ».

«We have reached an important stage because we have increased participation and awareness – adds Rita Giannetti, president of the Telephone Rosa Anti-Violence Center of Treviso – We have been operating for 32 years, our work has been a lot and now we have to push for a cultural change thanks to the new generations”.

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