Home » Ukraine: 500 to the peace march in Cagliari

Ukraine: 500 to the peace march in Cagliari

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Ukraine: 500 to the peace march in Cagliari

In front of the military base: “The war starts here, let’s stop it”

CAGLIARI. A peace march with about 500 participants from the Decimomannu station (Metropolitan city of Cagliari) to the military airport located on the outskirts of the country, former NATO base. With a very clear message: “Faced with the continuing war and the current climate of serious international tension – explains the provincial coordination of Cagliari Let’s prepare for Peace In Foras-Contra a s’ocupatzione militare de sa Sardigna – we express our absolute opposition to war operations and the use of weapons among peoples. We ask for an immediate cessation of the bombings “.

The gathering in the early afternoon at the train station with participants coming mainly from Cagliari. Among them also many young people.

A banner above all: “The war starts here: let’s stop it”.

The deployment of police forces is impressive, especially in the area of ​​the military airport. But the march did not create problems of public order between slogans and banners in the name of peace. “We do not want deadly bombs to be produced on Sardinian soil – the organizers explain – which are then used to massacre civilian populations here and there in the world. We welcome refugees and refugees who come from Ukraine as brothers and sisters and in the same way. we welcome those fleeing any war, without distinction.

We express solidarity and help to those in Russia and Ukraine who fight for peace and refuse to participate in this massacre and for this reason they suffer the repression of their respective regimes. Like them, we also refuse any enlistment and participation in the war “. (ANSA).

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