Home » Ulm: Father killed seven-year-old daughter

Ulm: Father killed seven-year-old daughter

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Ulm: Father killed seven-year-old daughter

According to initial police findings, a 40-year-old man killed his seven-year-old daughter with a knife in Ulm, southern Germany. As the authorities announced in the evening, the man called the police on Easter Monday and said he had killed the girl in the area of ​​a school center in the Wiblingen district. He was then arrested by officers. The background of the fact is so far unclear, the criminal police are investigating.

According to the police, according to the current state of investigation, it is “an act within a family”. “From the police’s point of view, there was no danger to the population,” the statement said. The authority did not announce any further information in the evening, according to the information, the investigations should not be endangered.


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