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Urso meeting with Yermak and Deputy Prime Minister Svyrydenko

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Urso meeting with Yermak and Deputy Prime Minister Svyrydenko

Meeting by videoconference with a delegation from the Government of Ukraine

The Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy Adolfo bear today held a videoconference meeting with a delegation from the Government of Ukraine led by the head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Andrej Yermak and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Julija Svyrydenko. At the center of the conversation are two projects to support Ukrainian products and businesses.

In particular, Kiev asked Italy technical assistance to achieve the creation of a ‘Made in Ukraine’ brand. Proposal on which Minister Urso, who had already launched the project during his mission to Kiev last January, has ensured maximum support. In fact, for Urso the identification of typical Ukrainian products with a national brand can contribute to their purchase both for solidarity reasons and to better identify their origin. The technical aspects of the project will now have to be better defined to make it compatible with EU standards and with the commitments already made by Ukraine with Brussels.

The second project examined today concerns cooperation between the industrial systems of Italy and Ukraine in the sector oflight industry: on this issue, Minister Urso underlined the importance of closer collaboration, hoping for the involvement of the Italian and Ukrainian trade associations in order to quickly seize the most concrete opportunities.

At the end of the video conference, the success of the next conference on was wished reconstruction to be held in Rome on April 26: an event, it was underlined, which it is hoped will soon translate into an active contribution to the productive recovery of Ukraine

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