Home » US Denies Request for Wall in Darién Gap to Stop Migration to North America

US Denies Request for Wall in Darién Gap to Stop Migration to North America

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US Denies Request for Wall in Darién Gap to Stop Migration to North America

US Denies Request to Build Wall in Colombia to Stop Migration to North America

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The national security advisor of the US government, John Kirby, has denied claims made by Colombian President Gustavo Petro that the United States requested to build a wall in the Darién Gap to halt migration to North America. Speaking during a press conference, Kirby clarified the situation and stated that he was not aware of any such request.

The controversy erupted after President Petro claimed that the United States had asked Colombia to build a wall in the Darién Gap to prevent migrants from crossing to the United States. Petro had also stated that the US had requested immigration posts to be installed in Colombia, which raised concerns about increasing illegal migration to the country.

However, during the press conference, Kirby refuted these claims. He emphasized that the Biden administration was focused on countering irregular migration and human trafficking networks, rather than building physical barriers. Kirby reaffirmed that the US government was working with regional partners to reduce the flow of migrants from the south to the north.

Kirby stated, “I don’t know of any such request made by this government. What I could tell you is that we continue to work with partners in the region to do what we can do to reduce the flow of migrants from the south to the north, driven by smugglers on these illegal routes.” He reiterated that the US aimed to strengthen the Border Patrol and provide a legal path for managing migration.

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President Petro’s remarks had sparked concerns about a potential wall in the Darién Gap, which is a critical region for migration. However, Kirby clarified that the US had no plans for such a wall and that their focus was on improving border security and providing resources for Border Patrol.

“The Darién Gap became a nerve center of the human exodus. There are several, but this is one,” President Petro had stated. He expressed apprehension about closing the gap, as it could lead to an increased flow of migration to Colombia without a legal solution.

Petro also urged for a more organized and controlled approach to migration, highlighting the need to address the workforce needs of both the United States and Latin America.

The denial of the request to build a wall in Colombia by the US government clarifies the situation amidst controversy and brings focus back to efforts to manage migration and combat human trafficking. It remains to be seen how the two countries will work together to find viable solutions to address the challenges posed by irregular migration in the region.

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