Home » Vice President Verónica Abad blames the Government for leading a new attempt to remove her from office

Vice President Verónica Abad blames the Government for leading a new attempt to remove her from office

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In an interview given to LA HORA, the Vice President of the Republic, Verónica Abad, rejected the harassment and abuse of power of which she has been a victim.

The vice president of the Republic, Veronica Abadwarned that since Government they would be looking reasons to dismiss her of his position, despite fulfilling the mission entrusted to him by the Republic President, Daniel Noboa.

Abbot, who remains as ambassador of Ecuador before the Government of Israel in Tel Avivpointed out that he has fulfilled complete form with the reports that must be submitted monthly to the Chancellery to give account of their activities.

During an exclusive interview with LA HORA, Abad rejected the “harassment and abuse” of power that has been victim y held responsible a Noboa and his Government for the situation.

I speak directly of the Government, “which involves its members and ministers, and him (Daniel Noboa) because he is the head of the Government,” he said, noting that this is a given although he has tried to ““build bridges”asking for a dialogueand close up“because it was not necessary to come to this.”

For Abad, political differences have a limit, “even in the wars there are limitsthere are laws even within war, but I think they have passed the limit, they have overreached who should be the keepers of the democracy of Ecuador”.

Complaint before the TCE against Abad

Abad said he knows that they have opened an investigation before the Electoral Contentious Court (TCE) with the aim of finding reasons to dismiss her. However, at the closing of this edition, on the website of the entity of electoral justice none were recorded investigation against him.

“Today they want to remove me completely, now inventing the issue through the Electoral Litigation that is already being investigated, to declare that he had impediments to assume my position,” he insisted.

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He added that they also wanted to relate her to the investigation into the traffic ham of influences from the Vice Presidency of the Republic. “All the attempts they want to make are a clear example of what I am telling Ecuadorians. The important question is,who stops?, President”.

He detailed that the May 10, 2024 A communication from the Legal Secretariat of the Presidencydirected to the Chancellor of the Republic, Gabriela Sommerfeld, “so that you can send a report that I have sent since December, every month, punctually with all the activities I do. And it turns out that they already asked only from the month of April”.

He ironically indicated that surely the report of his efforts will be analyzed and will not be approvedbecause “whenever analyzed by the Executiveseeing whether or not I am complying with peace here in Israel, surely I’m not going to pass the exam, because I haven’t been able to make it happen declare peace between Gaza and Israel”.

Abad: ‘I am going to comply with the Ecuadorians’

The Vice President said that she will continue assuming their responsibilities constitutional and will obey the mandate decided by the President to remain in Israel, and recalled that she was elected legitimately by Ecuadorians.

“Soy the vice president of this country (Ecuador), elected rightfully for the Ecuadorians, it was the will of the Ecuadorians, it was not my will and my will is to fulfill with the Ecuadorians,” he stressed.

I make it clear that will remain in Israel, “I am not on a whim, the Constitution does not depend on whether I want it or not, whether I feel comfortable or not. There is something to fulfill and it has to be given and it is constitutional order”.

Regarding the investigation that they are supposedly trying to initiate through the TCE, he pointed out that they registered as a “presidential binomial”.

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Abad questioned the causes that they will try to activate, “the Constitution is very clear, they are the same causes, both for me and for the President. And if the TCE wants something, remove the charge for failure to perform duties. Let us remember that the Constitution and the Code of Democracy They talk about a binomial. I was not alone on the ballot”, he warned. (ILS)

Why did Noboa and Abad distance themselves?

The differences between the presidential duo of Noboa and Abad began even before closing the first round of the elections. At that time the agendas of both candidates already showed a remoteness and they even waited for the results separately, while Noboa did so at his residence in Olón (Santa Elena)Abad did it in Quito.

In the interview conducted by LA HORA, Abad shows that the differences would be centered on the “discomfort” due to Noboa’s methods and mechanisms for negotiating and managing the country.

After moving to the second round, the candidates rarely saw each other, while Noboa continued his campaign in territoryAbad hizo contacts abroad.

Among these meetings, a meeting stands out with Santiago Abascalleader of the Spanish party Voxcon Victoria Villarroeltoday vice president of Argentina, and also a brief meeting with the president of The Savior, Nayib Bukele, at the Miss Universe ceremony.

At first, Abad’s work, according to Noboa himself, would be attention to the migrant populationbut one day after assuming the Presidency, the decree was signed in which he was designated as special envoy for peace in between Israel and Palestinewhich was later modified to become “plenipotentiary ambassador”.

The Vice President has maintained little communication with the media and this newspaper has managed to speak with her in three chancesthe first on the same day he assumed the Vice Presidency in the parking lot of the National Assemblyon November 23.

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Then, on November 28, when he announced that he would comply the presidential appointment as ambassador of Ecuador in Tel Aviv. In January 2024, a contact was made to find out about the actions he was carrying out in Israel, which he received in response from the Chancellery the indication that the Vice President should not issue statements without authorization.

Following the accusations and the arrest of her son, Abad offered statements to a television channel in Costa Rica on March 24, but had stayed away from the national media until yesterday’s interview with LA HORA.

You can follow the full interview on our YouTube channel:

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