Home » Wang Weizhong participated in the group meeting of the Guangdong delegation to review the plan report and draft, the budget report and the draft to anchor the high-quality development as the primary task and shoulder the responsibility of the economically powerful province Guangdong Provincial People’s Government Portal

Wang Weizhong participated in the group meeting of the Guangdong delegation to review the plan report and draft, the budget report and the draft to anchor the high-quality development as the primary task and shoulder the responsibility of the economically powerful province Guangdong Provincial People’s Government Portal

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Wang Weizhong participated in the group meeting of the Guangdong delegation to review the plan report and draft, the budget report and the draft to anchor the high-quality development as the primary task and shoulder the responsibility of the economically powerful province Guangdong Provincial People’s Government Portal
Wang Weizhong participated in the group meeting of the Guangdong delegation to review the plan report and draft, the budget report and the draft to anchor the high-quality development as the primary task and shoulder the responsibility of the economically powerful province Guangdong Provincial People’s Government Portal

Wang Weizhong participated in the group meeting of the Guangdong delegation to review the plan report and draft, budget report and draft
Anchoring the primary task of high-quality development and shouldering the responsibility of a major economic province

Time: 2023-03-07 08:32:46
Source: this website


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On the afternoon of March 6, the Guangdong Provincial Delegation of the First Session of the Fourteenth National People’s Congress held a group meeting to review the plan report and draft, budget report and draft. Wang Weizhong, deputy to the National People’s Congress, attended the meeting of his group and made a speech.

Wang Weizhong said that he fully agrees with the plan report and budget report. The two reports run through Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the decisions and deployments of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee, organically connect with the government work report, and be more detailed. The plan report comprehensively summarizes the important requirements of “preventing the epidemic, stabilizing the economy, and securing development” across the country since last year, and the hard-won major achievements made in promoting economic and social development, and scientifically explains the main expected goals and macroeconomic goals for this year. Policy orientation, put forward a series of forward-looking, pertinent, and highly feasible major measures, so that we can further clarify the direction of the goal and clarify the focus of work. The budget report closely focuses on serving the implementation of the country’s major strategies, strengthens the coordination of financial resources, maintains the necessary expenditure intensity, vigorously optimizes the expenditure structure, and strengthens investment in weak links and key areas of economic and social development, which fully reflects the positive fiscal policy to increase efficiency. , Prudent monetary policy precise and powerful requirements.

Wang Weizhong said that we must comprehensively study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously implement the deployment of the two sessions of the country, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, anchor the primary task of high-quality development, and earnestly shoulder the responsibility of the economically large province and boldly shoulder the leading role. Do a good job in stabilizing growth, employment, and prices, do in-depth and detailed project preliminary work, make full use of various national support policies, and strive to promote the overall improvement of economic operation, achieve effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity, and contribute to the development of the country. Make more Guangdong contributions to the overall situation.

On the afternoon of March 6, the Guangdong Provincial Delegation of the First Session of the Fourteenth National People’s Congress held a group meeting to review the plan report and draft, budget report and draft. Wang Weizhong, deputy to the National People’s Congress, attended the meeting of his group and made a speech.

On the afternoon of March 6, the Guangdong delegation of the First Session of the Fourteenth National People’s Congress held a group…

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