Home » What was the pre-candidate José Luis Mayorca doing at a government meeting?

What was the pre-candidate José Luis Mayorca doing at a government meeting?

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What was the pre-candidate José Luis Mayorca doing at a government meeting?

By Political Writing

Last Wednesday, March 15, the Minister of the Interior, Alfonso Prada, the Minister of Health, Carolina Corcho, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, David Racero, met with the heads of political parties to talk about healthcare reform.

Beyond the discussions and buts of the parties, the controversy focused on the presence of José Luis Mayorcarecognized in the health sector and pre-candidate for the Governor of Cesar.

Mayorca is an oncologist and uncle of the president of the House of Representatives, David Racero Mayorca. In 2017, as legal representative of the Prestasalud consortium, He was the protagonist of a scandal. The consortium was awarded what was left of EPS Cafesalud, participating as a shareholder in the founding of EPS Medimás.

Later, differences arose and said Prestasalud consortium denounced José Luis Mayorca, accusing him of being responsible for several patients did not receive cancer treatment.

Mayorca has taken powers that do not correspond to it, abused its position within the consortium by hiding relevant information for the operation, and pursuing its economic gain”, pointed out the letter shared in the 2017.

They even pointed out that Mayorca, as director of the connection process with Cafesalud, committed irregularities that were “brought to the attention of the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation.”


Faced with the controversy, the president of the House of Representatives, David Racero, pointed out that the doctor Mayorca was at the meeting due to its capabilities.

“Faced with versions that have circulated I want, as is my procedure, to be transparent and leave clarifications. The presence of a family member in an open meeting is given to his qualities as a medical specialist in oncology and knowledgeable about the health system”, began counting via a thread on Twitter.

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And I add: “José Luis Mayorca’s opinion adds to many of the voices that I have heard from all sectors on health reform. Doctors, nurses, EPS, technicians, congressmen from all parties, etc.”

According to the president of the Chamber, the doctor José Luis “did not intervene or participate. There is nothing inappropriate in his presence where there was media and where he played no institutional role. It should not lend itself to suspicions”.

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