Home » Why is the LGBTI population marching in Valledupar?

Why is the LGBTI population marching in Valledupar?

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Why is the LGBTI population marching in Valledupar?

The LGBTIQ+ movement of Valledupar and its metropolitan area marched this Sunday, June 25, in the Cesarean capital to fight for their rights through “culture and art”, as expressed by Esperanza Hernández, from the Matices Foundation, an organization that since 2011 participates in the realization of these demonstrations every year in the city.

Women, men, young people, adults, mothers, friends, couples and other activists left the square of the Primero de Mayo neighborhood amid music, dances and harangues. Around 2,000 people were summoned, Hernández estimates.

“International Gay Pride Day is commemorated annually throughout the world to be, feel, exist and tell the world that we are all equal, that differences must be respected, sexual diversity exists”, said the woman.

The marchers toured part of the Los Fundadores neighborhood, passed through the María Mulata roundabout and arrived at the Hurtado del Río Guatapurí spa.


“We are fighting for our rights, because we want to be free, because of what we are”, added María García, a student who attended. For her, the importance of the march demands the guarantee of the rights expressed in the Political Constitution of 1991 because “The discrimination that exists from childhood, from education and in the streets has no justice.”

For his part, Levis Mendoza drew attention to the murdered LGBTI leaders, or in his words, “all the fagots who have killed and have been forgotten.”

Mendoza points out that Cesar is a department “where there is machismo, where they do not accept a young person saying that he is gay or bisexual”.


EL PILÓN also spoke with Estefanía Barranco, delegate for women’s rights and gender issues at the Ombudsman’s Office in Cesar, about accompaniment in cases of violation of human rights.

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“We activated the route of the Police Station, the Prosecutor’s Office, EPS, among other institutions. The population can request through the mail [email protected]”, commented the official.

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