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Yawa Tsègan offers active international cooperation and coordination

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Yawa Tsègan offers active international cooperation and coordination

The President of the National Assembly, Yawa Tsègan and Togolese parliamentarians participated this June 14, 2023 in an international conference on the theme ”Promoting the universalization and effective implementation of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Terrorism nuclear.

The semi-virtual meeting brought together MPs, national and international personalities to discuss essential measures to fight against nuclear terrorism and promote global security. Its opening was chaired by the number 2 of the Togolese Republic, Yawa Tsègan. At the start of the proceedings, she stressed the crucial importance of international cooperation in the fight against nuclear terrorism and called for concerted action to guarantee the universalization of the Convention and its effective application. “Collective reflection on nuclear security must lead to active international cooperation and coordination,” she said.

The President of the National Assembly reiterated the availability of Togolese parliamentarians as well as national actors to work for the universalization and effective implementation of the international convention for the suppression of acts of nuclear terrorism. ” As part of this movement, Togo has enriched its legal arsenal by adopting a law relating to the safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear energy on June 4, 2020. Following the adoption of this law, the National Nuclear Safety and Security Authority was created by decree on February 17, 2021 “, she exposed.

Participating in the conference, among others, Ambassador Joaquín Tasso Vilallonga, Head of the Delegation of the European Union in Togo, Mauro Miedico, Director of the United Nations Center for the fight against terrorism (UNCCT) and head of the branch special projects and innovation, counter-terrorism office and Doctor Fatoumata Binta Diallo, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Togo.

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According to Doctor Fatoumata Binta Diallo, the collaboration between the United Nations system and the National Assembly of Togo continues to be a truly enriching and sustained experience. “Acts of nuclear terrorism constitute a threat to international peace and security. Universal adherence to the convention is therefore essential to address this threat,” she said.

120 countries have already ratified the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism. The Lomé conference is an important milestone in the ongoing efforts to address the threat of nuclear terrorism and promote global peace and security.

Atha Assan

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