Home » Young Cuban Marco Antonio Alfonso Breto Deported to Cuba and Detained in Villa Marista

Young Cuban Marco Antonio Alfonso Breto Deported to Cuba and Detained in Villa Marista

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Young Cuban Marco Antonio Alfonso Breto Deported to Cuba and Detained in Villa Marista

22-Year-Old Cuban Deported from Bahamas to Cuba

On Saturday, it was revealed that 22-year-old Marco Antonio Alfonso Breto, a Cuban who fled to the Bahamas in March 2023 in search of a better life in the United States, has been deported back to Cuba. He is currently detained in the Villa Marista prison, a facility known for being used by Cuban State Security.

The news was first reported by journalist Mónica Baró on her Facebook profile, where she disclosed that Marco has been in Villa Marista since Saturday. His mother, María Isabel Breto Freitas, received a call from him on Friday informing her of his arrival in Cuba. Later, she learned from another source that her son had been transferred to Villa Marista.

With hopes of visiting him on Monday, María Isabel has not seen her son in over a year. Baró also mentioned that a portion of the funds raised for Marco’s legal procedures in The Bahamas will be sent to his mother in Cuba.

The journalist expressed her disappointment that Marco was not granted the international protection he had requested, especially considering his epileptic condition. This situation sheds light on the challenging circumstances faced by many Cubans seeking refuge and a better life outside their home country.

This unfortunate development serves as a reminder of the hurdles faced by individuals trying to escape political and economic hardship in Cuba and seek a new beginning abroad.

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