Home » Zaia: vaccination obligation is a social defeat

Zaia: vaccination obligation is a social defeat

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“Deciding whether vaccines are mandatory is a social defeat.” Harsh words, those of the president of the Veneto region Luca Zaia in the aftermath of Prime Minister Draghi’s press conference. “I appeal to the government, to decide quickly for the third dose, as soon as possible” added Zaia, “on September 21st autumn begins and if it is yes for the third dose and for the frail, it means that we must do the focus on nursing homes, and for us there are 30,000 guests. I urge all those who do not belong to the fragile categories to do so now, because if the third dose starts, and from the words of President Draghi it will be, all the others go to the tail of the fragile ones ».

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And still with regard to the hypothesis of compulsory vaccination, Zaia continued: «I imagine, but I have no elements, that the first step on which we will think will be that of some professional categories. After all, we already have 11 vaccines that are theoretically mandatory, because there is always someone who does not want to have them. We Venetians are the only community that in 10 years has managed voluntary, and not mandatory, access to vaccines. At the international level, I am not aware that there is a country where vaccination against Covid is mandatory “. Then, the jab: «The debate is a sign of the times: reaching the obligatory nature is a social defeat for a country, it means that there is no awareness. We threw our hearts over the obstacle trying to manage the campaign in the voluntary sphere, and we succeeded, because it is right to try to do something that is respectful of everyone’s opinions », he concluded.

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Finally, the theme of free tampons. “There are citizens who still can’t get vaccinated, and who have to get it if they want to go to a restaurant, it’s a ‘gray’ area that is entitled to an answer. If, on the other hand, it serves to bypass the vaccine or the Green pass, that’s another thing. ” “We – he continued – are the ones who made so many free swabs in a period when no one came to get them, but to monitor the circulation of the virus. But this has nothing to do with the Green pass. We suspended the free admission – he concluded – when the Green pass made access to tampons ‘splash’ ».
And speaking of Green Pass, Zaia closed like this. “I have it”

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