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10 unexpected recipes to lose weight after 50

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10 unexpected recipes to lose weight after 50

Lose weight after 50 it’s not easy: a sedentary life and the habit of relaxing at the table (sometimes exaggerating) can lead you to gain weight and struggle to lose it as you would like, but there are some unexpected recipes which allow you to get back in shape without excessive effort. Without deprivation, without deficiencies, without imbalance, without feeling hungry.
We talk about it in detail below, while in the gallery you can see the dishes.

10 unexpected recipes to lose weight after 50

Recipes to lose weight after 50 don’t have to be complicated: you can for example lose weight too with dishes of the Mediterranean diet. You can eat lasagna, spaghetti, ravioli, meatballs: if prepared by doing pay attention to the doses of ingredients they can be eaten every day.That’s why we talk about unexpected recipes, which you wouldn’t think could be made by one diet to lose weight. In reality it can, as demonstrated by a study conducted in France on the effects of a diet based on Mediterranean-type dishes. These i dishes that help to lose weightup to 4 kg per month.

  1. Spaghetti with green vegetables and basil
  2. Lasagna Bolognese
  3. Gnocchi with tomato sauce and aubergines
  4. Spinach and ricotta cannelloni
  5. Ravioli with vegetables
  6. Beef patties with mashed potatoes and carrots
  7. Penne with vegetables
  8. Chili Con Carne and Veggie Chili
  9. Tuna pepper and wheat pearls
  10. Rice salad with tuna and vegetables

Menopause diet for weight loss

The Menopausal women have a harder time losing weight and they need balanced programs that are not easy to implement.
It is not easy to lose weight after 50, as we have said. And the risk is to rely on crash or hard-to-follow diets because they include complicated dishes and with ingredients that are not always found in shops and supermarkets.
These are the ‘defects’ of many diets, which also collide with the little time available to prepare the dishes.
But they exist diets for weight loss trying to avoid all these problems..mediterranean-diet-what-vegetables-to-eat-to-keep-your-brain-awake

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Meal plan for weight loss

A weight loss meal plan should be developed under the supervision of a nutritionist.
The first week can be dedicated to the so-called “weight shock”, a phase in which the caloric intake is reduced for “break” bad eating habits in one fell swoop (wrong portions, poor nutritional quality of food, snacking, skipping meals, etc.).
This weight shock allows you to start a real nutritional rebalancing in terms of quality and quantity.

The advice is to follow a low-calorie program that provides enough food to meet the energy needs for the proper functioning of the body. (from 1,200 to 1,500 kcal).
It must include foods rich in essential nutrients (iron, minerals, fiber, protein, etc.) ed avoid so-called “empty calorie” foods which have a high calorie density but do not supply any essential nutrients to the body.

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How do you lose weight after 50?

Per 50 year old women and beyond, but also for men, a good diet suitable for losing weight without effort is the one that takes its cue from the Mediterranean diet (which according to science is the best of all diets).

Ecco 10 recipes that are part of our food culture which can be used for weight loss. They have been studied with one ad hoc dosing of the ingredients to help you lose weight gradually and effortlessly.
And that can lead to the loss of an average of 4 kg per month (12 kg in 3 months).

1. Spaghetti with green vegetables and basil

Water, pre-cooked spaghettini 25% (durum wheat semolina, egg white powder, rapeseed oil, salt), spinach 6.7%, peas 6.6%, zucchini 6.7%, soy beans 6.6 %, wheat flour, onions, parmesan, rapeseed oil, garlic, salt, basil 0.51%, mint, pepper.

2. Lasagna Bolognese

Water, tomato pulp 13% (tomatoes, tomato juice), precooked minced meat 12% (origin France; raw meat equivalent 17%), lasagna 9% (durum wheat semolina, water, eggs), onions, double tomato, carrots 5%, precooked red lentils, starch, cream, salt, basil, natural beef flavouring, natural garlic flavouring, natural onion flavouring, oregano.

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3. Gnocchi with tomato sauce and aubergines

Gnocchi 33% [acqua, semola di grano duro, fiocchi di patate (patate disidratate, estratto di spezie), olio di semi di girasole, sale]pre-fried aubergines 20% (aubergines, sunflower oil), water, tomato pulp in juice 10%, aubergines 9%, onions, tomato concentrate 5.1%, wheat flour, extra virgin olive oil, sugar, salt, garlic, spices and herbs.
Prepared in the laboratory using fish, milk, eggs and mustard.

4. Spinach and ricotta cannelloni

Cannelloni 32% [semola di grano duro, acqua, spinaci 4,9%, pangrattato (farina di grano, sale, lievito), ricotta 2,7% (formaggio, latte, sale), cipolle, cagliata, olio di colza, burro, latte in polvere, albume in polvere, sale, formaggio, spezie]water, tomatoes 13%, courgettes 12%, tomato concentrate 12%, tomato pulp in juice 6.6%, onions, wheat flour, olive oil, sugar, salt, spices and herbs.
Prepared in a laboratory that uses fish, soy and mustard.

5. Ravioli with vegetables

Pre-cooked ravioli 36% [(semola di grano duro, acqua, uova, pangrattato di grano, peperoni 2,1%, cipolle 1,7%, pomodori 1,7%, olio di semi di girasole, fiocchi di patate (patate disidratate, estratto di spezie), melanzane 0,8%, ricotta, sale, basilico, fibra di frumento, aglio disidratato), acqua, olio di colza, sale], water, red and green peppers 6.6%, tomato paste 5.7%, carrots 5%, extra virgin olive oil, onion 1.6%, potato starch, plantain fiber, sugar, garlic powder, salt , pepper, oregano, parsley, basil, paprika. Possible traces of fish and mustard.

6. Beef patties with mashed potatoes and carrots

Water, cooked beef meatballs 22.8% (ground beef (origin France), water, cassava starch, salt), potatoes 20.5%, carrots 14.1%, tomato 11.6%, water, shallots 1, 9%, rapeseed oil, cream (milk), flax fibres, tomato paste, salt.

7. Penne with vegetables

Prepared pasta 42% (water, durum wheat semolina, eggs, concentrated carrot juice, rapeseed oil, salt, spirit vinegar), grilled aubergines 13%, zucchini 9%, tomatoes 8%, onions 6.5%, carrots , water, tomato purée, extra virgin olive oil 1.5%, aromatic herbs, salt, sugar, starch, natural thyme flavouring.

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8. Chili Con Carne and Veggie Chili

Chilli with beef: precooked rice 31% (white rice, water, rapeseed oil, salt), water, rehydrated red beans 16% (red beans, water), cooked beef 15% (beef (France origin), salt), tomato, red and green pepper 4%, onions, sugar, potato starch, cassava starch, Dijon mustard (water, mustard seeds, spirit vinegar, salt), cumin, salt, plantain fiber, natural flavor, paprika , cayenne pepper.
Prepared in a laboratory that uses peaches, gluten, eggs and milk.

Vegetarian Chili: precooked rice 30%, water, soaked kidney beans 12%, carrots, red peppers, double tomato paste, onions, canola oil, sweet corn 2.4%, textured wheat protein (wheat protein, wheat flour ), salt, starch, aromatic herbs, cumin seeds, natural garlic flavouring, chilli.

9. Tuna pepper and wheat pearls

Cereal specialties with prepared egg white 31% (water, durum wheat semolina, powdered egg white, rapeseed oil, salt), water, pre-cooked bluefin tuna fillets 19%, red and green peppers 5.5 %, carrots, onions, double tomato paste, starch, virgin olive oil, basil 0.5%, garlic, salt, thyme, pepper.

10. Tuna Rice Salad

Skipjack albacore tuna 23%, precooked rice 21% (rice water), water, red peppers 9%, corn 7%, peas 7%, carrots 5.1%, capers 2.6% (caper, water, salt), pickles (pickles, vinegar, salt), black olives, rapeseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, cassava starch, concentrated lemon juice, salt.
Possible traces of mustard, milk, egg and wheat.

How many kg to lose per month?

In fact, a good diet does not have to promise to lose 5, 6, 8, 10 kg per month. The risk is that of not maintaining a balanced diet and, at the end of the diet, recover the lost kilos in a short time.
A limit not to be exceeded is 4 kg per month.


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