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6 things to do in the morning to lose weight

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6 things to do in the morning to lose weight

A good start is half done and, for keep weight under control (or maybe just lose a few extra pounds) there are 6 things to do in the morning to lose weightsince they open their eyes at least until lunchtime.
In fact, the morning has gold in its mouth, and starting the day in the right way allows you to do not make the most common mistakes in the remaining hours of the day. There aren’t who knows what secrets, they’re enough few habits, healthy and easy to own with a little good will.

6 things to do in the morning to lose weight: a few habits are enough to lose weight

Get some natural light, always wake up at the same time more or less e sleep an adequate number of hoursgetting some movement, eating protein even for breakfast and already having an idea of ​​what to eat during the day (so as not to risk going astray on the way) are not after all the upheavals of one’s life.
But these 6 things to do in the morning to lose weight really can be the turning point to get back into the right BMI.

1. Stay in the sunlight

Yes, even if it’s winter, one of the things to do in the morning to lose weight is to stay in natural light. They found out some researchers at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine monitoring the factors that can lead to weight gain (calories ingested, level of physical activity, age, etc.). The subjects who exposed themselves to natural light as early as the morning recorded a drop in body mass index regardless of other factors. How come? Because natural light affects circadian rhythms, which activate and regulate the metabolism, i.e. the mechanism by which the body activates and burns calories.

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2. Things to do in the morning to lose weight: get 8 hours of sleep

No, not in the sense of staying in bed to sleep, which would conflict with the previous advice. Sleep in the sense of get enough sleep, that is 8 hours. According to a research conducted by the University of Chicago and the University of Wisconsin who monitored some overweight people at risk of obesity, those who sleep at least 8 hours reduce their appetite by 14%, especially for junk food. Can’t you snooze the alarm? Try going to bed a little earlier at night.

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3. Forget the car to go to work

Make movement even to go to the office is among the things to do in the morning to lose weight because it not only reduces stress but also allows you to activate the metabolism: a research by University College London on over 7 thousand people has shown this: those who walked or cycled to go to work had a 0.7% weight loss. Does it seem little? They are always 2 to 4 kilos less.

To know more: Cycling to work makes you healthier and happier

4. Include protein for breakfast

Research has proven it del Biofortis Clinical Research and the University of Missouri: they took 3 groups of people and prescribed three different types of breakfast: just a glass of water or a 300 calorie breakfast. The 300 calorie breakfast was of two types: one with 3 grams of protein, the other with 30: those who ate more protein arrived at lunch less hungry, reducing the number of calories taken in the second meal of the day. The reason? Proteins take longer to digest, and allow the secretion of the hormone Peptide YY, which improves the feeling of satiety.

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5. Get up and move

According to a published study sul British Journal of Nutrition those who practice 30′ of physical exercises as soon as they wake up not only activate the metabolism more but also see decrease your cravings for junk food and sweets for breakfast.

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6. Pack yourself snacks throughout the day

It only takes a few minutes: think about the day that awaits you, and put enough snacks in your bag for mid-morning and mid-afternoon: some fresh fruitnuts, a wholemeal sandwich. In short, everything that can prevent you from going to rob the office machine.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels and AlleSerebrina / Depositphotos


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