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7 reasons to eat pineapple more often

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7 reasons to eat pineapple more often

We should eat pineapple more often, at least according to ranking of the 10 most consumed fruits in Italy drawn up by To be nourished, the leading online company in the sale of health and beauty products. Before this exotic fruit, in fact, Italians ate orange, banana, apple, watermelon, melon, mandarin, pear, peach, kiwi and strawberry, forgetting all the benefits of this tropical fruit of Brazilian origin.

7 reasons to eat pineapple more often

The pineapple, whose name means “excellent fruit”, is a tasty and nutrient-rich fruit. It has always been a symbol of luxury and hospitality, in fact in the royal courts it was considered a sign of wealth. It was discovered by Christopher Columbus in America and brought to Europe, where it triumphed above all in the wealthy classes, given its high price.Due to the long journey it had to travel, many times it arrived damaged so Europeans tried to cultivate it on our continent, creating greenhouses that could imitate the tropical climate. The allure of fruit was such that it began to appear in paintings, architecture, antiques and gifts from the nobility. Little by little the demand for this fruit has increased and with it the prices have become more affordable. Nowadays it is consumed at any time of the yearin addition to its delicious taste, it is one of the richest fruits in minerals and vitamins, so it is excellent for health.

1. Regulates intestinal transit and improves digestion

pineapple provides water and fiber to our body, in fact it is made up of 85% water; moreover, the fibers play a fundamental role in the functionality of the colon and stimulate intestinal transit, favor the elimination of toxins and help eliminate excess fat.

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Plus this fruit contains bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme that helps digest and break down food proteins in the stomach and pancreasthus promoting digestion.
To be able to benefit from all the properties of the pineapple it is important to keep this fruit away from heat sourcesas the high temperature inactivates the fruit enzymes.

2. It is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory

Pineapple is among the fruits with the highest amount of bromelain, which is concentrated more in the stem. This enzyme offers multiple interesting benefits in the clinical setting: it has been studied for its anti-inflammatory properties and its antimicrobial action has been demonstrated. Both qualities make pineapple so interesting that it has to be put on the shopping list.

3. Improve blood circulation

During the studies mentioned, an analysis of the anticoagulant action of bromelain was carried out which demonstrated that this enzyme plays an important role in increasing blood fluidityconsequently improving blood circulation.

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4. It is an antioxidant and promotes the proper functioning of the immune system

Pineapple is a source of vitamin C, which helps protect cells from oxidative damage. Antioxidants are capable of neutralizing the action of free radicals, and vitamin C also promotes the normal functioning of the immune system. This delicious fruit also contains vitamins A and E and slow-release carbohydrates.

5. Provides energy

pineapple it contains minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and iron but iodine stands out above all. Among its functions, iodine is necessary to transform food into energy and stimulates the normal production of thyroid hormones.

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6. It is a useful support for slimming diets

Pineapple is the ideal fruit to be included in a food program to lose weight, as it improves protein digestion, regulates intestinal transit and can help reduce abdominal swelling. Thanks to its fibers it has a satiating effect and helps to avoid water retention; due to its high water content, it has few calories and carbohydrates, making it perfect for a diet.

7. Improves skin appearance

In addition to its beneficial properties for health, pineapple improves the appearance of the skin: the hydration obtained from its consumption makes the skin more elastic and luminous. Furthermore, being a source of vitamin C it promotes the formation of collagen, which is important for skin function. Pineapple is used in cosmetics as an ingredient in products that promote healing, healing of skin ulcers and in acne treatments.


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