Home » After the leaders Independiente points to Pinerolo

After the leaders Independiente points to Pinerolo

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Women’s soccer. The door Salvati talks about the company with the Arezzo and looks forward

a portcullis


Excellent personal and team performance against leaders Arezzo, goalkeeper Federica Salvati, 35 years old from Volpiano, but originally from Rome, Boccea area, employed by profession, says: “I tried to replace the owner Mognol as best as possible and thanks to the contribution of the whole team we managed to snatch a gold point from Arezzo, the first team in the standings and which deserves this position – says Salvati -. The Arezzo team is a very structured team made up of players of absolute value and our greatest advantage is that we faced the match with the right mentality, not thinking only of the defensive phase, but also of the offensive one. We knew how to suffer when Arezzo attacked with greater intensity in the second half: in the first half I had to make an exit anticipating Razzolini face to face, the same also in the second half and fortunately it went well – explains Salvati -. We arrived at this match with two consecutive defeats, against Azalee Solbiatese and Pavia Academy, we wanted to stop the negative streak, but in front of us we had a very hard obstacle: we never gave up and we always fought on every ball, closing every passage, obtaining a a point that is very moral, because this is the right way ». Independiente Ivrea will have another very demanding match on Sunday, that of Pinerolo, second force in group A of women’s Serie C, a match that Salvati illustrates as follows: «After Arezzo we face another very difficult formation, such as Pinerolo. Unlike the Arezzo, we know our opponents more, but we will be away from home. We will have to repeat the game we played with Arezzo, but above all we should have the same mentality we had at Giacomo Gaglione last Sunday. We must train while always keeping our concentration high – continues Salvati – knowing full well that our goal will always be to reach salvation as soon as possible. I still don’t know if I will play, it depends on how Mognol, the goalkeeper, is doing, if I have to take the field I want to be ready, perhaps hoping to suffer less than the match against Arezzo, another battle will still be waiting for us ». –

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Loris Ponsetto

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