Home » Agliè Valle Sacra today plays the final of the Ciriè Cup to be beaten again

Agliè Valle Sacra today plays the final of the Ciriè Cup to be beaten again

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The only Canavese team left in the Cup, Agliè Valle Sacra is ready to keep up the colors of our territory tonight, Wednesday 27 April at 20.30, in the provincial final of the Second and Third Category Piedmont Cup in Gassino Torinese at 20.30. The opponent will be Ciriè, faced already this season twice by the troops of Mr. Vitaliano Giaquinto: in both clashes, the alladiesi won: 2-1 in front of the friendly public and away to Ciriè 0-2, but now it will be all a “Another challenge, as Giaquinto himself warns:” We are playing the provincial title against the team of Mr. Pizzorno, a coach who will prepare his players in the best possible way, with a lot of grit and determination, let’s forget the victories won in the championship, Wednesday will be to fight with all our strength to win. We know that Ciriè is a very difficult team to face – recalls Giaquinto – they will certainly want to avenge the double defeat in the league and there is no better opportunity than in a cup final. We trained on Tuesday, knowing full well that we will have to play with maximum attention and in attack we will have to be concrete, not thinking about Sunday’s match in Morgex against Valdigne Mont Blanc. We are also aware of the fact that the match could last beyond 90 ‘, with extra time and possibly penalties ».

Against the Ciriacesi, only Lombardo should be missing, as Giaquinto explains: “He should be the only absentee but it is very important that whoever will play, but also whoever will take over, get into the game immediately”. –

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