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Alfieri, ‘Regular parameters for the pope’. He will recite the Angelus in private – breaking latest news

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Alfieri, ‘Regular parameters for the pope’.  He will recite the Angelus in private – breaking latest news

On Sunday the Pope will recite the Angelus prayer “in private, evidently in his hospital room, whoever wants to join him spiritually in prayer can do so by following the Angelus prayer” at noon. This was stated by the director of the Vatican press office Matteo Bruni.
“For the Pope, the parameters are regular but minimal efforts are required and consequently he has been asked to postpone the celebration of the Angelus tomorrow”. Lor said today, in the press point at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome, the surgeon Sergio Alfieri, head of the team that intervened to resolve an abdominal incisional hernia. “The Pope is fine, the operation went well, the news I have received, apart from what has been published” report that “the progress is positive. The Papa has already expressed his desire to resume work”. Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin said this on the sidelines of the ‘Not Alone’ event of the Fratelli Tutti foundation with the Nobel Prizes. Discharge from the hospital “will depend on the doctors”, the cardinal said in response to questions from journalists.

The Pope’s hearings have been suspended until June 18 but “everything else remains standing for the moment”. This was confirmed by the director of the Vatican press office Matteo Bruni.

“We have asked the Pope to spend part of his recovery in the hospital”: it is a “choice dictated by prudence” and to facilitate the recovery, but “everything is going well”. Surgeon Sergio Alfieri said so today in the press point at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome. “We gave the Pope a medical suggestion and he decided”. The Pope “has 86 years on his identity card, if you have the privilege of being in contact with him that man has the head of a sixty-year-old”. Professor Sergio Alfieri who operated on the Pope said. As for the trips abroad that the Pope has already planned, the doctor reported: “When he decided to have surgery the next day”, on Tuesday 6 June when he did the first checks, “he made his calculations: in August I have to go there, in November there, I have surgery tomorrow, so I can meet my commitments. That’s what he said”. “From a medical point of view, he will be able to face all the commitments both inside and outside the Holy See better than before”, added Alfieri. “Pope Francis has no heart problems currently, Pope Francis has not had any heart problems in the past, Pope Francis has never had a heart ischemia or a myocardial infarction. The heart is fine”. Professor Sergio Alfieri articulated it in the briefing at Gemelli. “Sometimes I understand that gossip feeds and can fill the pages. But I tell you with medical professionalism: given the age of the Pope, 86 years old, he does not have cardiological pathologies, has no major pathologies “he hardly does therapy”, “yes, he has a knee problem” but “he doesn’t have cardio-respiratory pathologies”.

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