Home » Andrea Cinciarini and the assist record: his story and his secrets

Andrea Cinciarini and the assist record: his story and his secrets

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Andrea Cinciarini and the assist record: his story and his secrets

He’s not Superman, he’s not flashy, but with perseverance, talent and study he has demolished a record and is the best assistman ever in Italian basketball. Story of an old school hero

He would have liked to celebrate the record with a victory, and it was a pity because in great historical moments it should be all a party, without any long faces. Instead Andrea Cinciarini did not fully enjoy his great record: yesterday, in his Reggio Emilia match against Sassari, he rightfully entered among the greats of Italian basketball. In fact, during the first quarter he became the best assist man in the history of Serie A, thanks to the unmarking pass for teammate Hopkins two minutes and 15 from the end of the first quarter, surpassing the 1772 winning passes distributed by the current blue coach Gianmarco Pozzecco .

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