Home » Another test in Sant’Alessio of the new Gaudio Academy: “I want speed”

Another test in Sant’Alessio of the new Gaudio Academy: “I want speed”

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Another test in Sant’Alessio of the new Gaudio Academy: “I want speed”


Second test this afternoon in Sant’Alessio for the new Gaudio Pavese Academy. It will not even be a real friendly, technically it will be a joint training, with the Sancolombano playing in the Promotion. But for the coach from Pavia, after the trip against Nibbiano, it will still be the second precious opportunity to see his at work. Even if unfortunately he already has to deal with the full infirmary: the injured Buzzi, Cipolla, Pasi, Balesini, Ragucci and Laraia will not be able to be part of the game and therefore he will have to draw heavily from the Juniors. «But I will still draw useful information from this test – explains Gaudio – what do I expect? I am especially interested in seeing how the construction part of the game works, which for the start of the championship – on September 4th – I already want to be fluid and fast, because it is the basis of my type of game. Forwards, on the other hand, I will leave more freedom of movement, because the attackers have a lot of experience ». Schemes in the middle of the field, therefore, for a Gaudio that will be particularly attentive also to grasp the attitudes of its players and above all of the new ones. There is curiosity to see Jacopo Zenga at work, called to carry the main offensive weight of the team on his shoulders (also considering the absence of Buzzi), but also to applaud the return of Salzano, motivated to show his skills which are remained a bit dormant in his first experience at the Academy. The veterans Maggi, Provasio and Filadelfia are already on the field, and with goalkeeper Alio will be the backbone of the team. –

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Daniela Scherrer

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