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Back pain and running

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Back pain and running

Il backache it is one of the most widespread problems in general in the population: according to some estimates even 1 in 5 people would suffer from low back pain on a regular basis. The percentage inevitably rises when it comes to runners: back pain and running is in fact an almost inseparable combination in the typical injuries of runners, both in its acute form, i.e. the sudden pain that requires a few days of rest from sporting activity and perhaps some anti-inflammatory therapy, and in its chronic form, that persistent pain in the lower back area. The causes, for the vast majority of runners, are many, easily recognizable and, with a little effort, even solvable with some simple remedies.

The causes of back pain and low back pain in running

To understand because those who practice running suffer from back pain and lumbago we must start from a premise: many of the tensions caused by the activity of running are discharged right on the back, and in particular in the lower loins, from which that particular pain called precisely low back pain. It’s a biomechanical question: the simple fact of running subjects the vertebrae, and in particular the lumbar ones, to a series of stresses which, without adequate and minimal prevention, then cause back pain.

Especially when running the vertebrae are stressed in flexion-extension, i.e. the back and forth oscillation of the torso given by the different phases of thrust and deceleration at each support of the feet on the ground, in the rotation, with the torsion that derives from the movement of the arms and shoulders with respect to the pelvis, and also in the lateral inclination . Furthermore, most of the body weight rests on the lumbar band, which only increases the level of stress in this area, especially if you are a little overweight.

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To this situation which is inevitable in the mechanics of the race are added those which are the real causes of runner’s back pain and inflammation of the nerves in the lower back:

  • A incorrect postureboth during running and in the normal activities of the day, from the way one sits at a desk or in the car to the incorrect movements that are performed during manual work.
  • Il overweightwhich increases the load on the lumbar area and the stress generated by the tensions caused by the movement of running.
  • A poor muscle tone in the abdominal, core and buttocks area, which cause an excessive curvature of the back in the lumbar area.
  • The fact of run always and only on terrains that are too hard such as asphalt roads, which causes greater stress on the joints than other surfaces such as dirt roads or tracks.
  • L’use of unsuitable shoes to your foot support, your posture and your running mechanics.
  • An inevitable one stiffness or lack of elasticity of the paravertebral muscles.
  • The poor fitnessin particular the lack of muscle tone in the feet and legs, typical for example of those who start running again in the spring after a long winter break.

The remedies for back pain caused by running

I back pain remedies caused by running obviously depend on the causes and often simply consist of a little personal attention and prevention. However, in the case of low back pain as in any other case of pain, such as that in the legs, or an injury, doing it yourself is always not recommended and contacting a specialist, physiotherapist or orthopedic surgeon, undoubtedly allows you to better understand the problem quickly. However in the case of weak back pain due to running you can begin to fix some small details.

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As a first thing you can try to learn the correct running posture, which we have explained here. Then, it is true that often one begins to run to lose weight by trying to follow these tips, however, before dedicating oneself too much only to running with the goal of losing weight you can try to lose a few extra pounds with other activities such as fitness walking, for example by following these tips, or cycling, as explained here.

Per strengthen core muscle tone there are numerous exercises that take little time and are very effective, like these, while others like these can help strengthen the leg muscles hypotonic after a long break. To counteract stiffness or lack of muscle elasticity there is stretchingfor example these exercises to do after running, or you can help yourself with the foam rolleras explained here.

The advice to vary the surface on which you run as much as possible, as we have explained here, is always valid and requires just a little attention when you leave the house and decide which route to take.

Finally, it may be useful to spend a few euros more to have an analysis of foot support and running mechanics done in a shop specializing in running shoes to know which running shoes to buy while avoiding the most trivial mistakes like these.

Photo credits: CC Military


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