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Berlusconi and the perfect team built with Galliani-breaking latest news

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Berlusconi and the perfect team built with Galliani-breaking latest news
Of Daniel Dallera

The success records, the wonderful champions: he always liked to invade the technical sphere. He created a winning club with Galliani, enjoyed himself with Gullit and Van Basten, the relationship with Ancelotti

Brilliant, no doubt about it. The matter, football, knows it. To testify the degree with honors in football engineering by Silvio Berlusconi, thesis on building the winning team: Milan, a demanding faculty due to the fact that it is extremely popular, with millions of students enrolled and scattered throughout the world, there are 31 years of free teaching as president of one of the strongest teams on the planet football. The list of trophies won, 29, makes an impression: 5 Champions League, 5 European Super Cups, 8 Scudettos, 1 Italian Cup, 7 Italian Super Cups, 2 Intercontinental Cups, 1 Club World Cup.

It is no coincidence that a team that flies in Italy and in Europe was born in a helicopter. More than a baptism, it was a take-off towards triumph that day, when your AC Milan showed up, all eyes and noses up, attracted by the helicopters that landed on the lawn of the Milan Arena carrying the team and those who govern it: on the 18th July 1986, the beginning of a great adventure, of a Hollywood film, awarded by an endless series of Oscars, of the technique, of the direction, of the production, of the screenplay, of first and second actors, some of them, exceptional players.

The inventiveness of going to look for Arrigo Sacchi, the coach of the football revolution in Italy, who mixes defense and attack in a perfect mix, frame and picture of an authentic masterpiece. Defense of ancient art, modern painting, touches of futurism, Sacchi’s football that surprises his opponents, puts them in difficulty, in awe, exalting performers and above all teamwork that requires faith. In the project, in the unity that makes us strong but not free, in Sacchi’s theories that demand absolute obedience. Sacchi has his discussions, his clashes, moments of weakness, internal and external quarrels, internal crises, but slowly, not even so much, his message, always aimed at a good end, that precious Good that La Squadra, the group , the collective, the work of the team, first understood and then embraced.

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Sacchi does not tolerate technical selfishnessnot even tactical, harmful to his Team Idea, harmful to the achievement of the result.

The story of Claudio Daniel Borghia talented striker, who Berlusconi likes, but far from the sacrifice, work, spirit of service demanded by the revolutionary Arrigo Sacchi. I will never play for Milan, only seven appearances for Como before packing your bags, living on nostalgia and witnessing the victories of that legendary Milan, planned on the talent of Marco Van Basten and the power of Ruud Gulliton Franco’s inexhaustible youthful vein Baresi and Paul Maldinigreat, great too, the happy image of an Italian Milan.

Team on and off the field: perfection in society. At Arcore the winning ideas of Berlusconi & Galliani become reality on the market and in the field. We are the most beautiful couple in the world, Adriano Celentano and Claudia Mori sang years before. The one formed by Berlusconi & Galliani (with Braida a step back), at management and corporate level, the most efficient in Italian football, models an immense Milan that wins everything. Breaking down every border, Europe over the years takes on the dimension of a Milanello annex. When Sacchi decides to leave Milan, because keeping up with those rhythms is becoming unbearable for him
, both physically and psychologically, Berlusconi & Galliani don’t miss a beat: Fabio Capello, champion on the field and champion on the bench, different from Sacchi, but leader in every gesture and in every victory (4 championships, 1 Champions, 1 European Super Cup, 3 Italian Super Cups). With Zaccheroni more discussions than feeling, all right, but also a scudetto won by recovering Lazio.

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And the intuition to fetch Charles Ancelotti, the most diplomatic of the coaches of Casa Berlusconi. Ancelotti tolerates certain technical invasions of the Knight with intelligence, sometimes helped by Galliani who knows how to intervene, seizing the right moment, the words to spend with the coach, skilled in healing tensions that inevitably arise even in a character inclined to understanding and harmony like that of the technician from Emilia. Ancelotti with a psychological and technical magic straight to his colleague Silvio Berlusconi, but then he rightly does what he wants, and the victories come, and how. Ancelotti has behaved like this for a lifetime, always thinking before speaking and, if anything, to blurt out: now at Real Madrid the same music, with Florentino Perez, cumbersome Madrid president.

Even Max Allegri (1 Scudetto and 1 Super Cup) tolerates jokes and reflections of Silvio who really doesn’t think about stopping being a technician for Edilnord, the company team in his first life as an entrepreneur.

The great Nils Liedholmthe first AC Milan coach of the Berlusconi era ironically: Silvio Berlusconi? Yes, very good, he understands football: he was coach Edilnord…. That president-coach has come a long way.

After reluctantly selling Milan, persuaded by his children, who are fed up with their father’s Rossoneri toy, Silvio Berlusconi’s second youth: at Monza, his friend Adriano Galliani convinced him. Obviously a smaller size, but taking Monza in difficulty in Serie C and bringing it to Serie A, where he lives as a protagonist, isn’t this also a masterpiece? Of modern art, supported by the old style, accommodating the unconvincing technicians, Brocchi and Stroppa, at the door, with the silent consent of Galliani, most faithful in supporting the decisions of his boss, and surprisingly promoting Palladino: a successful turning point. A sporting and football final up to the Brianza one, where Galliani idea and action. But no confusion: Berlusconi’s Milan has reached peaks that others cannot reach. Where there is genius, everything is possible.

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June 12, 2023 (change June 12, 2023 | 23:42)

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