Home » Brozo goodbye? Ibra and Giroud are not enough, Pogba mystery, City and relegation, Baschirotto Nazionale

Brozo goodbye? Ibra and Giroud are not enough, Pogba mystery, City and relegation, Baschirotto Nazionale

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Brozo goodbye?  Ibra and Giroud are not enough, Pogba mystery, City and relegation, Baschirotto Nazionale

Inter: Lukaku on the axis of balance and Brozovic…

L’Inter who has won two derbies in twenty days is enjoying the moment. Simone Inzaghi he seems to have finally found his smile and is preparing to face the next championship match against Sampdoria. The proof of Romelu Lukaku against the Milan it is comforting and entrance to the current game of Marcelo Brozóvic was another happy news of the evening.

Simone Inzaghi and Marcelo Brozovic – Photo by Internews

And it is precisely these two players at the center of various and possible transfer market talks, with the Belgian always at the center of the reflections of the Nerazzurri management, who up there on the upper floors ponder what to do. The abundance in attack by the Chelsea would induce Luke to stay at Milanobut it remains to understand the thought of Marotta e Zanetti. The speech of Brozovic he is a little different, the Croatian is always the object of desire of the big European clubs. The Sports Gazette advances the hypothesis of a possible sale of BrozovicWith the’Inter that after Skriniar could lose another fundamental pillar of the squad.

Milan: Giroud renews but it’s not enough and Leao…

After the defeat in the derby, the Milan wonders about the complicated moment that prompted the troop of Stefano Pioli away from the positions useful for qualification in Champions League.

Milan crisis, Lautaro and Inter party

Milan crisis, Lautaro and Inter party

Between criticisms, accusations and questions, the transfer market always looms and the renewal of Olivier Giroud is at the top of the club’s priority list. In the meantime Ibrahimovic warm up the engines and get ready for the big comeback, just as Lion seems to be still moving away from the fateful renewal. Without Champions the Portuguese could say goodbye and decide to go and play elsewhere. The Chelseadespite the crazy spending and abundance up front, always stays at the window and the PSG he never backs down when he gets wind of the deal. Rebic he’s more with one foot outside the locker room door than anything else, he should leave at the end of the season Milano. The Rossoneri must intervene on the market to reinforce the forward department, whatever the cost.

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Juventus: return Vlahovic e va Pogba?

The 3-0 at the home of Salernitana give to the team of Max Allegri a bit of serenity after the turbulence felt in recent weeks. Dusan Vlahovic he roared back like he hadn’t done in a long time, two goals in the Archi and finally a capital performance like in the old days. Juve returns to Torino with pockets full and head full of thoughts about the situation Paul Pogba.

Paul Pogba-Juve: is it goodbye already?

Paul Pogba opens the hunt for the midfielder

The Frenchman is still in the pits and it is not known when he will see the pitch again, in the last few hours the hypothesis of a possible termination between the club and the former midfielder had even made its way Manchester United. In England I’m pretty sure that Pogba could leave the club, much sooner than you think.

Bufera Manchester City

Il Manchester City allegedly violated 115 rules of financial fair play. The crazy expenses of the Citizens have ended up under the magnifying glass, the Premier League he decided to hurt the club which should face very heavy penalties. How to write the The Sunthe request of some English clubs would be to have “a quick verdict, before the end of the season“. The president of a specific Mello team, would have declared: “If these allegations are proven, there must be adequate punishment, hence demotion. We are talking about a decade of alleged wrongdoing and we want the Premier League to do the right thing

Baschirotto dreams of the Azzurro

Federico Baschirotto dream the National. In an interview given to The Sports Gazettethe rocky defender of Lecce talks about his moment and the greatest satisfaction of the last few months: “Easy. The call-up for the internship of the national team. Getting to Coverciano is useless to go around it is the dream of any boy who plays sports. You represent your country. I enjoyed every moment, I shared a room with my Lecce partner Antonino Gallo. I haven’t officially worn the blue shirt yet, but that’s what I work for. My attorney Guido Gallovich says it’s like love; it comes when you don’t think about it. But I dream that you will come”

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