Home » Crotone, questions about the last hours of the migrant boat: from the attempt by the Gdf to the failure to use the means of the Coast Guard

Crotone, questions about the last hours of the migrant boat: from the attempt by the Gdf to the failure to use the means of the Coast Guard

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Saturday evening the sighting and the searches by the Finance Police were interrupted due to the weather conditions. Then the “sudden” alarm at dawn on Sunday, a fisherman alerted by the harbor master’s office and the discovery of the latest massacre. What happened during those hours? How did the rescue machine move? In the same area, in 2021, there was a long and complicated intervention involving the “all weather” means of the Coast Guard with sea force 6/7

Saturday night thesighting not searches from the Finance Guard interrupted for weather conditions. Then the “sudden” alarm at dawn on Sunday, a fisherman alerted by Port authorities and the discovery of the latter massacre Of migrants. What happened during those hours? How did the car move rescued after reporting the vessel in front of the coasts of Croton? And in the past the interventions in prohibitive conditions Were they diverse and massive? The fixed points, at the moment, are few and enclosed in two press releases and in some testimonies. Someone advances the suspicion of some sort of immobility and, to those who spoke of a real hole in the relief, the Keep them in mind he replied with the threat of lawsuits.

The difficult conditions and the return of the Gdf
To start reconstructing the massacre that took place on a beach in Picket fence of Cutro we must start from the alarm on Saturday evening, when from the plane Eagle1 Of Frontex locate the boat a 40 miles from the Calabrian coasts, even if the journalist of Radical Radio Sergio Scandura revealed how a first alert had been launched 16 hours before the accident without indicating the position of the small boat loaded with migrants. Saturday evening the intervention is entrusted to Finance Guardwho tries to reach the boat with a fast hull V.5006 of the naval section of Crotone and the patrol vessel Barbarisi of the Taranto air-naval group. “Difficult” sea conditions, wrote the Roan of Vibo Valentia, which led to the “impossibility” to “continue” insecurity. The two boats thus return to land at the end of an operation which it is not yet clear whether it was law enforcement for illegal or trafficking search and rescue. At what time does the high-sea research give up? The Guardia di Finanza itself explained that it was then “activated on search device ashore” following the “probable landing guidelines” with “searches along the coast”.

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The testimony: “Warned at 5.40”
Except that the boat will never touch the ground, crashing hours later against a shoal at about 150 meters from the shore. There were boats of the Coast Guard sailing along the coast to patrol possible landing points? Or did the patrol boats move only after the remains of the boat were found? A fisherman added a piece, Antonio Graziosoin Buongiorno Region of TgR Rai of Calabria: “At twenty to six I received a phone call of the Coast Guard of Crotone who asked me to go to the area of Tacina river because there was a boat in breakdown to go and see what was happening. There was a massacre, as soon as I arrived on the beach you saw the corpses in the waves”. So at that moment the Coast Guard didn’t have vehicles in the area yet? It should be considered, as several point out sources a Ilfattoquotidiano.it and the prosecutor of Crotone also confirmed Joseph Capocciathat with those sea conditions a “possible boarding it would have been extremely risky”. Il sirocco wind had swelled the sea up to forza 7certainly a prohibitive situation. Technically some classes of naval units available to the Coast Guard – the 300 and the 800 – are classified as “everytime”i.e. able to navigate even in extreme conditions. In the event of an exit, it is in any case up to the operators who are at sea to choose what to do.

The prosecutor: “There is a lack of men and means”
At that moment, on the basis of the sighting of the previous evening and after the failed attempt by the Guardia di Finanza, were there any units in the water near the coast looking for the migrants’ boat? Ilfattoquotidiano.it tried contacting the Coast Guard communications office to ask these questions but as of publishing has not yet received a response. “We are also looking at rebuilding the relief chain but there are no investigations into this. We’re rebuilding all the steps from sighting to rebuild What has been done and compare it with what had to be done that seems to have been done”, explained the prosecutor Capoccia, underlining that “here lack of men and means of the forces of order” and the government “should understand that it would be necessary to set up the structures differently”. The chief investigator also underlined what he defined as an “oddity”: “A distress call has never come from the boat”, emphasizing only one “strange triangulation” which led to the first alert 16 hours after the tragedy. “But from the boat – he remarked – they didn’t ask help as always happens as soon as they get close to the coast”.

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There is an interesting precedent, which took place in the same area, just under two years ago. Between April 24 and 25, 2021, they were rescued 119 migrants aboard a fishing boat in trouble with the sea forza 6/7 and gusts of wind up to 40 notesAfter one sighting, the Coast Guard National Operations Center coordinated a Sar operation that went on for approximately 24 hours. Three patrol boats were sent towards the fishing vessel: the CP323 from Syracuse, the CP326 from Roccella Jonica and the CP321 of Crotone, the same one who intervened on the beach of Cutro after the shipwreck on Sunday morning. The container ship was also directed to the spot Amelie Borchard. Also on board the patrol boats were the marine rescuers but the weather conditions made it impossible transhipment of migrants. For this reason a “stock” was set up Ionian rock, with the Amelie Borchard used as a dam to protect the boat from strong winds and waves. In the last stretch of navigation, the engine of the fishing boat went out of order, increasing the risk that the vessel – it should be emphasized that it was certainly more stable than the boat destroyed in Cutro – would capsize and for this reason it was towed from the three patrol boats. A story that adds to the story made by Orlando Amodeofor many years a medical director of the state police and for years a rescuer in Crotone, during the episode of It’s not the Arena. Phrases, his, which led sources of the Interior Ministry to threaten lawsuits. Amodeo, who once retired was also a candidate for the Verdidoes not retreat ea Ilfattoquotidiano.it confirms: “In the 2013 with sea force 8 we intervened with two patrol boats a 42 miles from the coast saving 147 migrants. I’ve always done my job with respect of the rules and maximum I commit. I am not afraid of what Minister Matteo Piantedosi says”.

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