Home » D’Introno still scored for him is the sixth medal

D’Introno still scored for him is the sixth medal

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D’Introno still scored for him is the sixth medal

She won the second bronze medal with the under 20 women’s team


Luigi D’Introno from Pavia collects the sixth overall medal out of nine participations, the second bronze in his career as a doctor of the youth national team, finishing in third place at the European championships with the under 20 women’s national team. “In the end it was a great joy , but at the beginning I found myself facing serious problems – explains D’Introno, 59 – I reached the Udine retreat and I had to face a covid epidemic, as the swabs had detected five positivity. I got in touch with the managers of Federbasket in Rome to discuss, given that after five days we would have to leave for Sopron, Hungary, home of the European championships ». D’Introno has implemented the necessary health measures and has taken the situation in hand. “There were no alternatives – continues the doctor – I imposed distances, masks and prohibited contacts, thus preventing the virus from circulating, despite this the next day four other blue members tested positive, but they were already hatching the virus”. Nobody was bad, fortunately, but the girls weren’t able to train as coach Andrea Mazzon would have liked. “We left for Sopron without the team being able to support the last training sessions – underlines D’Introno -, two other girls were also called to reach 12 to be able to introduce us to the European Championship, since those who had not been negativized were forced to stay at home. We started with a few less ambitions and many more doubts ». D’Introno had to put his experience in the international field at the disposal of the national team, in addition to his medical skills. The team, however, compacted and clearly won the first three games with Sweden, Finland and Belgium.

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He later beat the Netherlands and Serbia. The only defeat in the semifinals with Spain and then victory in the final for third place with France.

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