Home » European Games: ÖSV quartet also jumps to gold in mixed

European Games: ÖSV quartet also jumps to gold in mixed

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European Games: ÖSV quartet also jumps to gold in mixed

European Games

Austria’s ski jumpers also won the gold medal in the third competition at the European Games in Poland. After individual victories by Jaqueline Seifriedsberger and Daniel Tschofenig, Marita Kramer, Jan Hörl, Seifriedsberger and Tschofenig also won the mixed competition on the normal hill in Zakopane on Thursday evening.

29.06.2023 19.27

Online since today, 7:27 p.m

The Austrians came out on top with 939.3 points, 62.6 points ahead of Norway (876.7 points) with Anna Odine Ström, Robert Johansson, Eirin Maria Kvandal and Marius Lindvik. Bronze went to Slovenia (872.0) with Nika Prevc, Timi Zajc, Nika Kriznar and Anze Lanisek. The 24-year-old Hörl set the highest distance of the day with 106.0 meters.

Already in the morning, Tschofenig won the men’s singles after leading Hörl at half-time. The competition was supposed to take place on Wednesday, but had to be canceled after 41 of 54 jumpers and postponed to Thursday due to strong winds. On Tuesday, Seifriedsberger also won gold in the women’s singles after half-time lead, Kramer secured bronze.

Mixed competition on the normal hill

Final score: 1. Austria 939.3 Marita Kramer 98.0/96.5 Jan Hörl 102.5/106.0 Jaqueline Seifriedsberger 95.5/99.5 Daniel Tschofenig 98.0/104.0 2. Norway 876.7 Anna Odine Ström 94.0/95.0 Robert Johansson 99.5/98.0 Eirin Maria Kvandal 97.5/100.0 Marius Lindvik 92.5/94.5 3rd Slovenia 872.0 Nika Prevc 99.5/ 101.0 Timi Zajc 92.5/97.5 Nika Kriznar 98.5/102.0 Anze Lanisek 96.5/90.0 4th Germany 818.3 5th Poland 767.2 6th Switzerland 765.7 7th France 723.2 8. Romania 580.5 Not qualified for second round: 9. Czech Republic 276.4 10. Ukraine 242.9

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