Home » Firm your buttocks naturally | Discover the best and most fun way

Firm your buttocks naturally | Discover the best and most fun way

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Firm your buttocks naturally |  Discover the best and most fun way

You probably don’t even know what is the best way to firm up your buttocks naturally, and not just for an aesthetic question. Sure, that’s important too, but if you consider that the buttocks are the central point of any sporting movement or performance, then you will be even more interested in knowing how to train naturally. But first let’s see what the buttocks are and how they firm up the muscles.

What are buttocks?

The muscles we call buttocks are actually three. The gluteus maximuswhich is the largest muscle in the body, the gluteus mediuswhich is a smaller muscle on the side of the hip, and the gluteus minimuswhich is a small muscle under the gluteus maximus.
The role of these muscles is to extend the hip, spread the legs, and externally rotate the thigh. The gluteus medius also acts to stabilize the knee from failure and in general, in the standing position, the glutes serve to stabilize the pelvis on the thigh. These are the basic movement patterns to perform to train the glutes.

How muscle is built

Hypertrophy is the scientific term for the growth or increase in muscle mass. To firm or grow muscles it is necessary to create a sufficient stimulus to achieve positive protein synthesis.
Indeed muscles grow (anabolism) and break down (catabolism) constantly. Therefore, in order to obtain more toned, strong or large muscles, anabolism must overcome catabolism.

The recipe is much simpler than you think: theregular training with sufficient intensity, volume and frequency, coupled with adequate protein and calories, will lead to bigger muscles. This applies to the glutes as to any other muscle. After all, the human body is rather lazy and must be forced to grow new muscles.

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Although not all factors that contribute to muscle growth are knownand some of them are beyond our control, science has identified three main mechanisms of muscle growth.

1. Mechanical tension

It involves loading the muscle with progressively heavier weights or resistances. The tension created by the movement of these weights generates muscle growth if the volume is sufficient.

2. Muscle damage

When muscles are subjected to sufficiently intense work, microtraumas occur. As these injuries heal, there is an increase in muscle size.

3. Metabolic stress

When you do exercises that cause burning in your muscles, you are causing metabolic stress. The result is usually a bearable widespread pain called DOMSthe morning after muscle pains you can read about here.

Best way to firm buttocks naturally

You are now ready to know that The best way to firm up your buttocks naturally is hiking. You can also call it hiking, or trekking, as long as it is clear what we are talking about long walks in a natural environment, with ups and downs, uneven terrain and everything you can find on a mountain path.

Then some clarifications are needed. Hiking makes the buttocks grow in untrained people, especially when hiking uphill. But then, if you do it consistently, you’ll soon become too fit to continue exponentially growing muscle. But maintenance is guaranteed.

So to continue to get a muscle growth boost from hiking, you’re going to have to find ways to increase the workload. For example: Carrying a loaded backpack, tackling steeper hills, or walking faster are all ways to increase your intensity level. Mind you: these are ways to tone your buttocks naturallyand they certainly cannot achieve the results of a muscle strengthening program dedicated to the buttocks.

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Since hiking is an activity that usually lasts a long time, definitely it will also help burn a lot of calories, helping to reduce body fat levels. Most people don’t hike with enough intensity to create a high level of muscle-building stimulus, but it does help create both cardiovascular and muscle conditioningimproving work capacity for targeted glute workouts.

How to make hiking a better workout for your glutes

You choose routes with ups and downs and where there are rocks, slopes, boulders to be climbed as if they were high steps. They are nothing more than repeated lunges done almost unconsciously, and they are perfect for toning the buttocks.

Fate longer steps uphill. Longer strides engage the glutes more than short ones. Focus on pushing off the heel to get maximum glute engagement.

Bring one with you backpack to increase resistance. But pay attention to the weight, because it will all be borne by the spine.

READ ALSO: Bodyweight glute exercises to have perfect buttocks


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