Home » Gold Italy at the Biathlon World Championships in the women’s relay – breaking latest news

Gold Italy at the Biathlon World Championships in the women’s relay – breaking latest news

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Gold Italy at the Biathlon World Championships in the women’s relay – breaking latest news
Of Gaia Piccardi

Feat of Italy women in the women’s relay at the Biathlon World Championships in Oberhof: Comola, Wierer, Auchentaller and Vittozzi beat Germany and Switzerland

An overwhelming, unexpected and unprecedented victory (never in history had Italy won world gold in the women’s biathlon relay), putting behind the hosts Germany and the Sweden of the Oeberg sisters, with Norway of the champion Roiseland relegated to sixth place.
The world of biathlon, the ancient art of rifle and narrow skis, from Italy by Dorothea, Lisa, Samuela and Hannahunited in a demonstration of superiority that leaves even the technicians speechless, even though they had believed in those special girls from the beginning. Comola-Wierer-Auchentaller-Vittozzi the tongue twister of gold, the poker of surnames that remains engraved at the Oberhof shooting range. Italy closes with a time of 1h14’39″7 with only two recharges used and with an advantage of 24″7 over Germany, forced to use 6 recharges, and 55″7 over Sweden, with 2 penalties and 11 recharges .

Comola at launch already a guarantee: 24 years old, from Aosta, first podium in the World Cup last year in Kontiolahti (third in a relay that had a different composition), Samuela finds complete maturity in this World Cup: she makes no mistakes when shooting, delivering the witness in fourth position at 5″7 from the Swedish Persson, also preceded by the Czech Republic and Norway. Dorothea Wierer, the veteranas usual puts all his class on the track: with just one recharge at the fourth polygon he takes the lead with a 21″4 lead over France and 42″8 over Germany. Hannah Auchentaller, class of 2001from San Candido, the smallest of the group in the third fraction, holds the position against Germany, France and the Czech Republic. At the sixth shooting range the blue has one recharge, Schneider two while Elvira Oeberg recovers, who starts again in third place. And here is Lisa Vittozzi, reborn in this magical season, already silver in the medley relay and bronze in the single medley, a flu with another fever crossed during the World Cup, Italy’s trump card. Lisa starts her split, last, 5″6 ahead of Denise Herrmann and 38″2 ahead of Hannah Oeberg. very fast and precise at the first polygon; she breaks away from Sweden and ignites the duel with Germany. Monumental, Lisa closes the game at the last standing shooting session, when she is relentless, cold and determined to bring the gold of the relay to Italy. Herrmann collapses who loses concentration and has to use a recharge, losing about thirty seconds which will be fatal to the Germans. The party can begin.

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I’m really happy – smiles Vittozzi at the end of the race —, this victory entered history. We had a perfect race, led from the start. Personally I think I managed the race very well, I absolutely wanted to take this win. We succeeded and it shows me how well we worked as a team. An unexpected medal — exults, overwhelmed by emotions, Auchentaller —, considering that I have done a few World Cup races and I have yet to realize what happened. I’m very happy, I think all four of us had a great race in which the two top-ups were the key. I concentrated on mine, I learned a lot from the Anterselva race and I was happy to show what I’m capable of doing and to have shared the podium with the others.
As in Meribel, the Alpine Skiing World Championship, it is the women who hold the flag high. Samuela, Dorothea, Hannah, Lisa. The international biathlon, from today, is called so.

February 18, 2023 (change February 18, 2023 | 18:26)

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