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Gubbio-Torres: the evening of logistics and mathematics

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Gubbio-Torres: the evening of logistics and mathematics

Gubbio – Torres 1-0 Serie C Group B

After Fossombrone-Campobasso I get back in the car and travel the fifty kilometers crossing the territorial border towards Umbria where, in the early evening of the Thursday before Easter, the interesting high-ranking match of the thirty-fourth day between Gubbio and Torres takes place .

Those who know the ultras environment know that these matches are a truly remarkable test for a fan base like the host one, coming from an island; in addition to the long trip on a weekday, the logistics of the place don’t help at all, then if we add the evening time it becomes something really complicated. But the people of Sassari seem accustomed to this type of complication to the point of getting excited. The confirmation came as soon as I set foot in the “Barbetti”, in whose guest sector about thirty rossoblù fans are equally divided between the historic NEW GUARD and the most recent OLD FANS left on the opposite side, called to support their team until the end, second behind league leaders Cesena.

The hosts show up leading the group ULTRAS UNONOVEUNOZEROheir of the GUBBIO SUPPORTERS who in turn had picked up the baton from ULTRÀ GUBBIO 1980. Although it is not at all easy in a city of thirty thousand inhabitants, the commitment with which they are trying to raise the name of the city of madmen and its over thirty-five years of ultras tradition is commendable. It may be midweek, it may be the time but the rest of the public seems to respond less than usual, even more so because the Gubbio team, currently fifth above many city teams with a much larger catchment area, are playing a championship all respect. Fortunately there are the ultras to keep the city’s honor high, trying to fill these gaps in general participation both with voice and colour.

In the first half, the support is not always the same, with the guests trying to save their voices by favoring dry chants that are perhaps more sporadic in terms of continuity but proportionally more powerful, as well as some accompanied by handclapping. The home rossoblù, on the other hand, seem decidedly in shape, offering very continuous cheering that ranges from classic chants to more elaborate ones, from response chants to dry ones, always waving the big flag accompanied by two-three flags.

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In the second half the support resumes along the lines of the first part of the match, then in the sixtieth minute Bernardotto will take care of breaking the balance in favor of Gubbio, scoring the goal that will decide the match to the joy of his entire audience, ultras in the lead, who will light a torch to further emphasize the moment. In the last part of the match the singing performances will be totally and inversely conditioned by the events with the hosts quick to raise the decibels and carry out lots of clapping as a corollary to the chants, while on the away side there is a sharp decline seasoned with some pauses of too much, without ever giving up completely in order to complete their personal cheering challenge.

At the final whistle only applause for the players: on the local front for the victory, while the people of Sassari still thank a team that fell after only eight games and it matters little if Cesena will be able to mathematically celebrate Serie B on Saturday, because this second place is a however, an important result, especially considering the equally mathematical certainty of competing in the play-offs starting from the national stage, with the hope therefore still alive of believing in the dream of the second division. The curtain closes on this beautiful evening of cheering, one of those in which the photos do not do justice to the two groups of fans who, despite the non-photogenic numbers, offered so much quality and can undoubtedly be considered promoted with flying colours.

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Marco Gasparri

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