Home » In the first post-Covid calendar there are 158 races but also many holes

In the first post-Covid calendar there are 158 races but also many holes

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The Covid era holds its own, but there are too many “holes” in the amateurs. The Treviso cycling calendar, starting next weekend with a double race for the Under 23-Elite – on Saturday the Polese in Santa Maria di Piave and on Sunday the classic circuit of Castello Roganzuolo – includes 158 races up to October, amateurs included: one every two days. A calculation that keeps us in the tricolor elite, being able to count on 83 road and 13 off-road races, 20 competitions for Juniors and 18 reserved for students, 14 dates between national and international races, 42 appointments for Giovanissimi. But the increasingly reduced number of rendezvous for U23-Elite does not go unnoticed: only nine, concentrated in the first part of the season. An erosion accentuated in the last three years: stop at the Circuits of Mareno, Pianzano and Cimetta, Scomigo disappeared, Bianchin canceled. Now the Circuito dell’Assunta is also out, however replaced by a women’s Open.

“Unfortunately there are some cracks in amateur races, luckily we have the news of Vazzola at the end of the season”, reflects Giorgio Dal Bò, president of Federciclo Treviso. «We are moderately satisfied: we held up despite the economic crisis caused by Covid. I like to point out the ferment of off-road vehicles on Montello after the difficulties of the past, in the Giovanissimi we will have the National Meeting event in June and we plan to expand the calendar, taking up every Sunday ». The novelty of the international Juniores of San Vendemiano stands out, while the Pink Day of Arcade will assign the regional titles.

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Under 23-Elite: 5 March Memorial Polese in Santa Maria del Piave, 6/3 Gp De Nardi in Castello Roganzuolo, 20/3 Popular (int) in Treviso, 27/3 City of San Vendemiano (int.), 3 April Piva Trophy in Col San Martino (int.), 18/4 Belvedere in Villa di Villa (int.), 24/4 Frare De Nardi in Vittorio Veneto, 14 August Gp Sportivi di Poggiana (int.), 1 October Memorial Mery Marcon in Vazzola. Juniors: 20 March Circuito delle Conche in Silvella, 27/3 La Colombera Trophy in Altivole, 3 April Spring Tour in San Vendemiano (int.), 10/4 Orsago Circuit, 24/4 Gp San Michele in San Pietro di Feletto, 1 May Gp Sportivi di Badoere, 7/5 Gp Baron in Pieve del Grappa, 15/5 Gp Sportivi di Sovilla (int.), 22/5 Gp Rinascita in Roncadelle, 12 June Gp Sportivi di San Martino, 18/6 Gp Excellence Valli del Soligo (time trial, int.), 19/6 Dorigo Trophy in Pieve di Soligo (int.), 10 July Vittorio Veneto-San Boldo, 17/7 Piva Junior Day in Col San Martino, 24/7 Gp Sportivi di Loria, 7 August Tour of the Bridge in Faè di Oderzo, 27/8 Vittorio Veneto-Cansiglio, 28/8 Gp Bike Team Cansiglio in Cappella Maggiore, 18 September Orsago-Col Alt, 16 October Tour of Codogné. Students: 27 March Val Lapisina in Savassa, 18 April Pizzato Trophy in Vazzola, 8 May Gp Permac in Castello Roganzuolo, 15/5 Pro Loco La Vidorese in Colbertaldo, 22/5 Gp Rinascita in Roncadelle, 29/5 La Follinese Cup in Follina, 12 June Gp Da Silvano in San Biagio, 19/6 Giro dei Colli in San Vendemiano, 3 July Memorial Gino Menegazzo in Cavaso, 10/7 Gp Verniciatura in Bella Venezia, 17/7 Piva Junior Day in Col San Martino, 24/7 Trophy Jollynox in Conegliano, 31/7 Gp San Daniele and Alpini di Colfosco, 7 August Giro del Ponte in Faè, 28/8 Gs Povegliano, 4 September Gp Verniciatura in Bibano, 2 October MO Color Tech in Maserada, 9/10 Giro Cinque Laghi in Vittorio Veneto. Beginners: 3 April Gp Mosole in Lovadina, 1 May Gp Sportivi di Badoere, 8/5 Gp Leiballi in Castello Roganzuolo, 15/5 MO Municipality of Vidor in Colbertaldo, 2 June Artisans and Traders Trophy in Olmi, 5/6 Gp Fornaci in Dosson, 12/6 Sports festival in Castelfranco, 19/6 Maschietto Trophy in San Vendemiano, 3 July Bruno Menegazzo Memorial in Cavaso, 10/7 Gp Painting in Bella Venezia, 17/7 Hotel Montegrappa Trophy in Castelcucco, 24/7 Half Classic summer in Castello di Godego, 31/7 Gp San Daniele and Alpini di Colfosco, 4 September Gp Pollami Liliana in Bibano, 25/9 City of Asolo Trophy. Donne Open: April 10 Orsago Circuit, 2 June Industry and Commerce GP in Casale, 12/6 Arcade Cyclist GP, 24 July San Gabriel Trophy in Levada, 31/7 Prealpi in Rosa Trophy in Tarzo, 14 August Circuito Rosa dell’Assunta in Vittorio Veneto. Juniors Women: 2 June GP Industry and Commerce in Casale. –

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