Home » Italy at the dress rehearsal In Bologna with a view to the Europeans

Italy at the dress rehearsal In Bologna with a view to the Europeans

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Test with the Czech Republic. Debut in 7 days against Turkey in Rome Sensi stops again, Pessina can be among the twenty-six of the blue group


If two clues still do not prove, they are, however, useful in creating a suggestion. First: the Armani uniform for the blue European is a tribute to Enzo Bearzot in the colors and style of the ’82 World Cup. Second: the latest arrival in the national team is that Giacomino Raspadori who “remembers Paolo Rossi” to coach Mancini and who, for our coach, “has the future ahead and the possibility of playing because he is different from Immobile and Belotti even if he is a Immobile. and Belotti we will leave ».

Bearzot and Rossi have risen to the top of the world, Mancini and his boys are looking for the top of Europe and, tonight in Bologna against the Czech Republic, it’s time for general rehearsals exactly one week before the start of Euro 2020 against Turkey at the Olympic in Rome.

The Italy of the twenty-six plus one reserve can be dried up to the Italy of the fourteen most owners of the others and, to these, the Bolognese evening will belong. Florenzi plus Bonucci, Chiellini and Spinazzola our defenders, ahead of Donnarumma, accredited to start the European Championship and the challenge against the Czechs. In the middle of the field, Mancini could keep Jorginho in check as soon as he returned from the Champions League party with Chelsea and give space to Cristante, because Sensi has stopped once again for a muscle problem and, at this point, the promotion of Pessina is not unlikely. from reserve to one of the group. Barella and Locatelli’s movements from mezzala, with the latter less internal and more architect of the blue game like Verratti given in recovery for the second match of the group against Switzerland.

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Up front, Berardi is liked more than Chiesa for his condition and state of grace and Immobile is slightly favored over Belotti with Insigne, the undisputed master of the left wing. To Mancini, re-reading our recent history, it would be better to lose the dress rehearsal because when it happened – Zoff in 2000 and Prandelli in 2012 – we got to play, with no luck, the only two European finals.

Cabala aside, the new Italy has its head tuned to the feat that has only succeeded once, in ’68, coach Valcareggi. «What do I feel after three years of work and on the eve of the first big appointment as a coach? Pride, a lot of pride. And I’m thinking of getting to Wembley, ”says Mancini.

On the Bearzot-style uniform he does not lose his balance. “They gave us this,” he says. On the ballot, infinite, Immobile-Belotti not even. “They are very similar. Both – he says – know how to stay in the penalty area or occupy the space on the right and left: the physical condition will count ». The race to number 9, which has always been the most attractive, is thus open with Immobile, as mentioned, a small step forward to Belotti and Raspadori ready to mix up games and hierarchies.

Kean could also have been in the race, but Kean went off the radar after the anonymity staged on the night of the Cagliari test against San Marino. “What we have said remains between me and him”, Mancini’s reflection. Italy is in the general rehearsal of Europe against an opponent, the Czechs, included in the European group with Croatia, England and Scotland and who has not taken the field since the end of March. From today there will be seven days to go. “Let’s start dreaming,” says the coaches. –

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