Home » Latvia – Canada 0:6. A debacle for the home team, the favorite ran out for a clear win

Latvia – Canada 0:6. A debacle for the home team, the favorite ran out for a clear win

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Latvia – Canada 0:6.  A debacle for the home team, the favorite ran out for a clear win

The defending silver medalists, the Canadians, were already leading 2-0 in the fifth minute. Defenseman MacKenzie Weegar had three points for a goal and two steals. Samuel Montembeault needed 23 successful saves to get zero.

After 52 seconds from the opening goal, Lawson Crouse froze the excited audience, when he shot Punnenovs between the concrete with a shot from the circle. In the closing fifth minute, Scott Laughton increased the score, redirecting Weegar’s shot from the blue line with a good run.

Punnenovs caught up at that moment, Šilovs replaced him. But the lineup in the goal area did not give the Latvians an impetus, the Canadians continued to create great chances. After Toffoli’s shot, the post rang, McBain missed a great opportunity.

Scott Laughton blocks Arturs Šilovs in the view.

At the beginning of the second act, Daugavinš could have cut down, but he did not succeed. Moments later, the home goalkeeper Šilovs pulled away when he thwarted Middleton’s opportunity. In the 27th minute, Džerinš was penalized for a foul and returned to the game prematurely – Weegar was at the end of the successful interplay of the overseas selection. In the 36th minute, Blais tried his luck from the corner of the rink and Šilovs unfortunately knocked his attempt behind his back.

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Latvians threatened the most at the beginning of the third period, when Džerinš stamped the top post after a pass from Rihards Bukarts. The Latvians’ next chances were burned by Batna and Jaks.

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From the Canadian side, the talented Fantilli, the expected number two of this year’s NHL draft, threatened. In the closing 54th minute, Joe Veleno added the fifth goal of the Canadians, after which Jack McBain completed the scoring and the Latvian debacle with the sixth goal.

MS 2023

Group B 12/05/2023 19:20



00:52 Crouse (Glass, Krebs)
04:56 Laughton (Weegar, Middleton)
28:17 Weegar (Quinn, Toffoli)
35:12 Blais (Krebs, Hunt)
53:58 Poison (Weegar)
55:40 McBain (Carcone, Fantilli)

Punnenovs (5. Shilov) – Balinskis, Zile, Mamčić, Jak, Chukste, Freiberg, Cibulskis – Daugavinš (C), Abol (A), Anderson – Indrašis, Ro. Bukarts (A), Batna – Balcers, Lochmelis, Keninš – Ri. Bukarts, Dzierkals, Jerinš – Smirnovs.

Montembeault (Levi) – Weegar (A), Middleton, Barron, Bear, Joseph, Myers – Hunt, Lučić, Blais – Veleno, McBain, Carcone – Fantilli, Laughton, Quinn – Toffoli (C), Glass, Krebs – Neighbours, Crouse (A).

Referee: Heikkinen, Hribik – Hofer, Yletyinen

Number of spectators: 9260

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