Home » Milan, Maignan: ‘Every day I wake up to be the best. And I will never fail

Milan, Maignan: ‘Every day I wake up to be the best. And I will never fail

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Milan, Maignan: ‘Every day I wake up to be the best.  And I will never fail

The Rossoneri goalkeeper spoke about himself during a long interview, focusing above all on some traits of his personality: “As a child I didn’t want to be a goalkeeper, then that’s how it went. Now I work three times as much every day and take care of every detail to be the best. only in this way can certain levels be maintained. My team has to win, if it doesn’t happen it’s a problem. I don’t care what people say, but everyone expects me to fail and that will never happen.”


From childhood to the present, with very interesting details related to mentality must have to stay at the top level. Several topics covered by Mike Maignanwho was told in the round during a long interview granted to ESN Talks, a format created by the Excellence Sport Nation agency which also takes care of his interests. The goalkeeper of Milan he began by recalling his approach to the role as a child, at just 6 years old: “Actually I wanted to be a striker – admitted the French -, or in any case be an outfield player. Then I started being a goalkeeper, but I really didn’t want to. It was boring: you watch others play, you don’t enjoy it and you get angry. But at Clairefontaine a coach told me: ‘If you reach the last round, stay in goal’. I got to the last round and in the end I had to stay in goal. But PSG was already following me. To be a goalkeeper you have to have personalitybe creative and have a mind: the mind is fundamental“.

“I take care of every detail, so I stay on top. And if the team doesn’t win, it’s a problem”

Maignan then focused on his method: “We all want to be number one at what we do – he continued -, the goal is always this. Being the best goalkeeper in the world for one year is easy, but being the best goalkeeper for several years isn’t. You have to work a lot mentally, be motivated and never give up. It doesn’t matter how much you earn or how famous you are, you always have to keep working. I think so and this for me is just the beginning: every day I work three times and take care of all the details. I think, ‘Why didn’t I stop that ball?’ or ‘Why wasn’t I facing that direction?’. So it becomes mental work, in every situation you have to be at least two or three seconds ahead. When an opponent has the ball, I already know I have all the solutions. And I don’t put myself under pressure: every morning I wake up to work and be the best. My teammates are with me, we play on the same team but when I leave training I have to be better than them. AND when there is a match, my team has to win. If it doesn’t, that’s a problem. Only in this way do I think I can maintain my level. Even if I concede two goals and can’t do anything, I think in my head what I could have done to avoid it. As I sit in front of the pc and watch the video, alone or with my coach. I also do it at night because I like to think and observe every detail. Once I analyze my mistake, I look at where the other mistake was made. So if a player did it, I think about what I could have said to call him back. These little details made me who I am today“.

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“Everyone expects it to fail, but it never will”

Finally, the AC Milan goalkeeper explained how he deals with comments from players haters and what is his relationship with failure: “I’m not the type who reads the press and all the rest – concluded Maignan -, but I sometimes I get notifications that I don’t like Very. ‘That’s better than you’ and stuff like that, which annoys me because I know it’s not true. Sometimes I go crazy, at 11pm I get up and go to the gym to do the third workout of the day, because I have already trained before. Then the next day I get up again and I’m not tired until the match: when that one is over and I’ve knocked out my opponent, I rest. At that point I start over. Even if I don’t care what people say about me, I like to blame them. It’s something I’ve been thinking about since I failed in one season. I had lost six months and they had killed me. People expect me to fail, but I will never fail. I know when I fail, there’s a rifle waiting for me. That’s why I keep going forward every time.”

Transfer market

Ylber Ramadani to Lecce on a permanent transfer from Aberdeen. Gino Infantino is a new Fiorentina player: he comes from Rosario Central. D’Ambrosio is a new player of Monza, Genoa buys the former Samp Thorsby. Viña is officially from Sassuolo. Udinese, reinforcement on the wings: from Watford here is Ferreira. El Bilal Touré is a new Atalanta player. Here are all the official signings so far in Serie A CALCIOMERCATO, NEWS AND LIVE NEGOTIATIONS

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YLBER RAMADANI at LECCE (from Aberdeen)

Ylber Ramadani is a new Lecce player. The Albanian midfielder arrives on a permanent basis from Aberdeen and has signed a three-year contract with an option with the Giallorossi club.

GINO INFANTINO alla FIORENTINA (from Rosario Central)

Gino Infantino is officially a new Fiorentina player. The central midfielder born in 2003 arrives on a permanent basis from Rosario Central and has signed a contract until 30 June 2028.


The defender born in 1988 is a new Monza player. He arrives on a free transfer after his contract with Inter expires, he has signed an annual deal with an option to renew in case of salvation.


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