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Napoli-Verona result 0-0: crossbar for Osimhen- breaking latest news

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Napoli-Verona result 0-0: crossbar for Osimhen- breaking latest news
Of Monica Scozzafava, sent to Naples

Another league match conditioned by the upcoming Champions League round: after Milan’s draw, Napoli are also holding back. Osimhen cross

Between Napoli e Verona almost nothing happened, the script respected it zaffaroni who wanted a point and such a state. Spalletti he didn’t revolutionize the team but that little (five changes) was enough to put out the fever to go and win at all costs. The defense to the bitter end of the opponents also had its weight, but when the competitive wickedness is less then there is little to discuss. A wake-up call: Napoli have only scored two goals (against Lecce) in their last 4 games, signal of how much a tall and powerful gentleman like Victor Osimhen,

absent due to injury.

Possession record, but zero goals

The result with Verona, eight days from the end, becomes almost irrelevant for the Neapolitans, the distance with Lazio second narrows – 14 points – but the Scudetto practice cannot and must not be questioned. That said, some anxiety sets in. The next race will be with the Juventus and there will have to be reckoned with if the 15 penalty points were to be returned. Spalletti, therefore, did not intend and certainly could not be satisfied with the trip made to Osimhen in view of Tuesday’s Champions League match against Milan (he restored the spirit of attack and also hit the crossbar) n the season record in ball possession (80%). He rather complains about the 0-0 draw – the second of the season after the one in Florence – and the analysis, as always, is lucid: When everyone’s feet are in the defensive area, it becomes difficult.

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Raspadori not yet in condition

Concept that he repeats over and over again, to underline the game of exclusive containment of Verona. He doesn’t look for an alibi, he recognizes that quality has failed, the extra weapon with which Napoli has impressed in Italy and in Europe. We were less good than ever, we created some space but we didn’t go to play. Napoli was not fast, they became predictable and not very incisive. The scene changed with Osimhen in the half hour of the second half, the center forward in 21 minutes shifted the offensive structure, Raspadori not yet one hundred percent and in any case a different player: the comparison with the Nigerian cannot stand (he has superior qualities to the others says Spalletti).

Champions? For the comeback it will take many things

Napoli missed the sprint, too Lozano e Politano have fallen short of expectations, the only reference in attack was still by Lorenzo who came close to scoring with a header and a half overhead kick. Back home with morale higher Zaffaroni who won a point in terms of salvation, the Neapolitans are now headed for the Champions League. To win it will take many things lined up, in order. Spalletti will try. With Osimhen, without Kim and Anguissa. They took them away from us unjustly – remember – and everyone noticed it
. The future memory.

April 15, 2023 (change April 15, 2023 | 23:03)

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